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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 13 minutes ago, strichener said:

    How many of these are actual scare stories from residents rather than scare stories attributed to residents by AFC and supporters of Kingsford? 

    I watched the pre-determination hearing, I've been to all three public meetings, I went to the Dons presentation at the Westhill Inn.

    All of those are first hand, indeed if you haven't been blocked, you'll find them all on the WANKS facebook page or twitter feed. 

    edit: And I was also at the recent WECC meeting which was solely to discuss the upcoming hearing. Well thought out they are not, nor is the KWC one. 

  2. 1 hour ago, HTG said:

    Seriously, if football is so focused on the issue of gambling, the authorities should be setting an example and binning Ladbrokes, William Hill and Betfred. 

    Most of the threat is not from this sort of guy betting on match outcomes. It's the same problem as in cricket - spot betting. If you're going to offer odds on the time of the first throw in, corner or yellow card then you're open to corruption. There's an easy answer - don't offer markets in a team sport where the bet can be manipulated by one person without involving others. 

    I used to be heavily involved in the gaming industry, with Betfred for one, so I'm sympathetic to them, and while I think replacing what they put into the game would be difficult (not just leagues/cups, but individual teams too), it's a very good point min. 

  3. 9 hours ago, lubo_blaha said:


    For Kingsford, 90% of the city traffic will come from Long Stracht/Skene Road and then merge together for miles before being met with all the traffic coming off the AWPR. 


    Don't be silly. Look at the Supporters survey, how many come from south of the city? They are coming up the AWPR, or coming from the B9119.

    How many from the A96 corridor? Also coming either down the AWPR or along Straik Road.

    How many north of Aberdeen/Dyce/Bucksburn - all also coming down the dual carraigeway AWPR. 


    Only  a few of these queing to get into Kingsford car park, many will park in Westhill area where unlike the surrounds of Pittodrie, it's not all parking badges. 

  4. 11 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    State of this

    Worse than the WANKS patter


    No answer then. Cheers. 

    11 hours ago, strichener said:

    Were you driving the roads on Tuesday morning when there was a 50 minute delay heading to Aberdeen?

    Nope, things happen. Crash I assume? 

    Were you on Seaforth road on Saturday at 3.15pm when football traffic was still queuing to get across king Street?

  5. 11 hours ago, strichener said:

    Care to list the scare stories and why you consider them to be scare stories rather than genuine concerns.






    Traffic @ a standstill

    Traffic @ 80mph

    A944 closed for 3 hours every match day (yes literally closed)

    The footbridge, omg, never been done anywhere, oh how they laughed

    Hooligans who are still very active just that they never go to the football grounds only surrounds like Westhill

    Hooligans inside grounds throwing chairs at old ladies ^^^(this was the same guy, Charlie Love)

    Drunks roaming the streets of Westhill

    Won't be able to get to the cinema

    Ambulances won't be able to get past

    House prices

    Won't be able to get to Westhill shops

    Won't be able to park in own driveway


    I could say why they are scare stories and not genuine concerns, but there's no need is there?

  6. 2 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    The fact you still don’t seem to understand this makes me want to stab myself in the eyes so I don’t have to read you say the above or WANKS again.


    f**k sake.

    I live past Westhill, I go to Pittodrie, I was brought up in the area, I drive these roads all the time. I'm sorry my opinion based on my daily experiences here count for less than yours from 60 miles away. I bow to your superior knowledge of MY back yard, you arrogant c**t 

  7. 2 hours ago, lubo_blaha said:


    You can’t compare you getting to Pittodrie from Westhill to 2000 odd cars and buses trying to get to Kingsford in the same direction.


    At Kingsford they're not all travelling in the same direction, they come from all points, whereas everything funnels to Pittodrie because there is the sea on one side. I made a drawing a few pages back to illustrate.


    So yes, you're right, though I think you're confusing which is the bigger problem?

  8. 1 hour ago, lubo_blaha said:


    Secondly, it’s less than half the distance from the city centre, even walkable at a push within an hour. Journeys of over 30mins and having to leave the centre of town at 2pm at the latest will put people off Kingsford.

    Thirdly, and most importantly, the supporters bar at Loirston was going to be double the size of the one at Kingsford!



    I can easily leave well after 2pm to get to Pittodrie, so no.

    Westhill has more bars in vicinity than Loirston has, doesnt need as bis a supporters bar therefore. 


  9. On 12/16/2017 at 02:53, COYR said:

    Was going to write a massive spiel but, arsed getting into long arguments with members of the bullshit online world of fantasists pushing the move. Pittodrie is great. It works for Aberdeen and its fans. 

    Nobody in the real world wants to do any of the stuff that going to a game in Westhill would involve.

    That's about it.

    Oh, and that 'architect's plan of Pittodrie is incredible. New main 398. New Merkland 1904 (220 less than the Accies away end). Take it he doesn't work for Populous. 

    Milne needs to depart for us to get any truth. St Mirren's 8k stadium £8m. Three sides 6k at Pittodrie £50m. OK M8

    I've one mate not keen on the move, and one aquaintance who doesn't go to football who thinks it'll be a disaster. 

    Everyone else out my way or in Westhill (that I know, not the WANKS obviously none of whom I know personally) are in favour. So, ye ken. 



    On 12/16/2017 at 03:27, COYR said:

    It's a great old stadium full of traditions. You can sit or stand where you want and get the experience, view, toilet and pie queue that you choose. It's lacking modern dressing rooms, dugouts and media facilities. We could build a new stand at some point in the last or next 20 years to solve that. 

    It's absolutely shite. Pittodrie now so far behind modern clubs it's nae funny. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    I’m not a pipeline engineer. I made the point that pipelines do get faults. This all stems from me posting that helicopters fly the pipeline, certainly from Kirkton of Skene northwards.

    You stated that they didn’t. I’ll try and get a picture of  one when they start. And before you get deflected again, they aren’t crew change helicopters out for a test flight.

    No, lets be clear here, you scoffed at my pointing out that "pipelines" was again brought up by NKS, this time (although I didn't state it) it was indeed because of the crack at Netherley. Last time it was about terrorists. 

    You had stated "Stewarty, of course pipelines never suffer cracking do they? ", well yes, once in a blue moon, but why is that a reason to not build the stadium? Both Shell & BP have given it the green light. You're more upset about something that is highly unlikely to ever happen, than the fact our current ground is costing hundreds of thousands every year to keep even in it's current run down state. 

    From there you went off on a tangent about frequent helicopter flights flown to inspect the pipeline. You appear to still be sticking to that line, even though it's utter pish, four times a year Ineos stick a pig up the pipe to inspect it, an overflown helicopter "inspection" would show you diddly squat.


    Anyway, to sum up, you've gone from backing up one of the latest ridiculous WANKS arguments against the stadium, to telling everyone that AirWolf is in charge of inspecting the pipeline. It's not relevant to this topic, but thanks for your input. At least we all get a good laugh. 

  11. 11 hours ago, Aberdeen Cowden said:

    No it isn’t. I can assure you it is to inspect the pipeline. You’ll also know about the pumping station at Garlogie and the police

    patrols there. 

    Yes, I live there, and one of my cousins was among the first members of the MoD police there when it was formed. 

    And pipelines are inspected using intelligent pigs, not fucking helicopters. We're not in Alaska, the pipelines are underground here. 

  12. 53 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


    Where did I say I was against it?

    My very first post said I hoped everything Dunty was talking about benefit wise is true if it does go ahead

    The rest of its been a back and forth with you about traffic


    Fair enough. Well as someone who stays out past the development, let me just clarify, getting away from Pittodrie is a much bigger pain in the arse than travelling back and forth from Westhill during rush hour. 


    As football traffic will be less, and as not everyone will travel east along the A944, maybe not try telling me you know better when you do neither eh? 

  13. 55 minutes ago, strichener said:

    Haven't seen anything on the plans for a giant screen outside the ground for those 435 fans or will it be located in the industrial estate where they park their cars?


    I am not against Aberdeen having a better stadium.  I am also for them having a better location and business case than the shite they are putting forward.  This is Trump all over again...

    1. That'll be a lot closer equivalence than Lang Stracht > Dundee is quicker than Lanf Stracht > Kingswells. Ken fit I'm saying like?


    2. Trump? Well while he's certainly shown what an absolute utter c**t he is these last couple of years, let's not get all revisionist here. The golf course development was enormously favoured in the area, especially in the Balmedie area, and he's built an absolutely astonishing golf course. So if that's the benchmark you're citing then bring it on. As things stand there it's a win win, he hasn't built his prison block  hotel and there seems no prospect of the houses going in either. So the north east has picked up all of the gains and none of the downsides. 

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