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Posts posted by fatshaft

  1. 9 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Of all these Aberdeen fans quibbling about the stadium, I can literally remember not a single one from match threads. 

    I post elsewhere on football generally, hence majority of my posts on this forum over 10 years are here.  What would interest you is the number of "fans" on, for example, DonsTalk who just popped up on the stadium thread and nowhere else to slag off the new stadium, on a DONS forum. 


    What's also interesting is that "COYR" has done the same here, and nearly every other detractor doesn't even support the Dons. 

  2. 1 hour ago, strichener said:

    What a state to get yourself in.

    It appears to be a common trait among supporters of Kingsford to lash out at anyone that dares ask any questions.  However, in this instance I will indulge you and take you through this verrrrrrry sloooowly so that you can understand who is being a "neep"

    1. I posted about the 407 acres that were mentioned in an article posted on this thread.**
    2. Various straw men were built and deployed by Illgresi with you blindly cheerleading from the side-lines.
    3. Dunty then posted a reply to my original post (helpfully including my post for you the idiots that cannot follow a thread) where he stated that as the 407 acres are classed as residential it would be more expensive than the Kingsford site (which again, anyone that can follow a thread will know has already had the owners of the site named).
    4. I responded asking who owned the land and how much they paid for it. 

    Now given that this all stems from my post that I mentioned at point 1 above, anyone with a modicum of intelligence would read this as referring to the 407 acres.  That I have to hand-hold you through a conversation whilst you throw insults about is actually quite comical, perhaps when your carer gets back from the shops you could ask them to increase your meds.

    1. anyone with half a brain surely understands the difference between land zoned for housing and that which is not, and their relative respective values? It was therefore a strawman argument, or...

    2. Nope

    3. I refer to you point 1

    4. Asked and answered a few times in this topic, which you've been following minutely. 

  3. 5 hours ago, gkneil said:

    Big Tyrone from STV tweeting that the Freddie Woodman deal should be completed tonight. Be good to get that done.

    Did alright for Killie iirc?

    I hope Rogers is kept in the side though, bided his time long enough.

    He's been signed on condition of guaranteed game time. Fucking shite for Rogers, put yer transfer request in loon, shocking way to be treated. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, sjc said:

    So 45% usually make a day of it (like many away fans) by enjoying both what the City centre has to offer i.e: pubs, bar lunches etc before walking down to Pittodrie. Now they'll have to factor in a 30-60min each way shuttle bus journey out to the new stadium.

    :blink: nooooooooo, 45% usually drive to the game (or supporters bus) and maybe do something, watch the game, do something or go back to their car, and drive home. Where would a bus come into it? That's why you drive. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:


    All the comments from supporters on here who have gone through it and describing their experiences, and the general attitude is 'what's it got to do with you?'!!

    It sounds as though Aberdeen have a few supporters out in the sticks who will benefit, but I am quite amazed at the blind faith Dons fans are putting in a Chairman who, by the sound of things, has done very little for them so far.  Why they feel he suddenly has their best interests at heart is a bit of a mystery.

    *bashes head against wall*

    45% are outwith city. How many more will be stimulated to go without the King St chaos to negotiate?

    Of the city 55%, large swathes will be closer to Kingsford than Pittodrie. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

    This is a bit like those American football teams where the owner decides more money can be made taking the club away from its roots and relocating elsewhere because a brand new stadium is on offer.  

    Will the Aberdeenshire franchise keep the same name, or will that be looked into at the time of the move?  Westhill Wanderers has a nice ring to it. Kingsford Kickers not so much.


    Yeah it's actually nothing like that at all. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

    Fuuuhhh kinnnnn ellllllll

    She really hasn't come to terms with the fact that we're all Kingsfordeers now and we should all be working together to deliver on the vote and a Kingsford that works for everyone.

    It's all about her. And to be fair, questions need to be asked about how head of the planning committee (I believe that is she) had to ask so many questions yesterday and didn't notify anyone (until she lost) about not having seen all the reports. Questions on her competency loom large.

  8. 10 hours ago, Hedgecutter said:


    Back on topic, it will be interesting to see what they do for fans in the Dyce / Bucksburn area as at the moment getting to Westhill / Kingswells by public transport is a pain in the arse despite being just over the hill. By the time you get the get the bus into town and then get another one via Lang Stracht, you may as well have walked over the hill for over an hour.



  9. 12 hours ago, COYR said:

    Ignore this guy Hibernia. He's said on numerous occasions he thinks everyone drives to games and nobody takes buses.

    He confuses transport links with public transport links. His face should be a picture when Kingsford has 10,000 empty seats. 

    Thousands currently walk. Thousands only have one convenient bus to take. These are the type of people who would be far more likely to drop off than the drivers and passengers who only have to sit in their car for 20 minutes and park next to the ground, who only make up 55-60% of the attendance.

    Bollocks. People take buses now, people can take buses to Kingsford, some of them will have a longer bus trip, many much shorter. I'd say nearly every driver will have a shorter trip, but I'm struggling to think of where someone who drives now will have a longer trip, so that is a case of *everyone*.

    And if you think anyone who drives now only needs a 20 minute window, you're in cuckoo land. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Hibernia said:

    This is completely irreversible, and as a fanbase, you have settled for an option that will leave an awful lot to be desired. Why not spend an extra 10-20 million on building it somewhere with good transport links? Or somewhere that the neighbours won't complain at every single decision you make in designing your ground?


    As one of the councillors pointed out today, while the team is "Aberdeen", the catchment area  and fanbase spreads over a larger area than any club (except maybe Ross County). From Laurencekirk to Peterheid to Elgin and beyond you have fans travelling every week, to that end there will be good transport links, far better than now. Doesnt matter how often you try to spout that a location hemmed in by the north sea and King Street is good, it simply isn't.  So yes some lazy b*****ds who've been used to walking from their front door to the ground will now lose that, well fucking diddums, for every loser there's a winner, that's just how it is, and they've had it good a long time, sometimes things change, like Westhill has changed, but that was OK as long as the nimbys approved and it was for yet more identical boxes being built.


    As for somewhere nobody will complain, well it'll have to be a lot more remote than fucking Kingsford for that to happen. 



    P.S. Far's the boy that said it was 10% not getting approved? fucking winker. 

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