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DA Baracus

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Everything posted by DA Baracus

  1. Hopefully with the Rock around some of the other wrestlers can learn a little from him. If he does end up facing Cena at Mania, then I can't actually see Rock winning, unless it's to prolong the feud. It would probably end up being like Rock/Hogan with Cena getting the win and the veteran's respect. In fact maybe Rock's return will be quite like Hogan's was? In which case the Rock will win the title at Backlash from HHH! P.S. TNA must be shitting themselves now. They brought in two of the all time greats in Flair and Hogan and have done f**k all with it. The WWE now brings in the Rock for however long and it already seems to be having an effect with loads of people online talking about it. Just gives people one more reason to not give a shit about TNA. And even though it's slightly off topic, whilst I'm talking about TNA, I have to say that they are awful with entrance music. Even the crappy wrestlers in WWE have decent entrance music, but TNA's just seems to be shite. Case in point; Mr Anderson. His music is terrible. In WWE the music seems to reflect the character themselves, but in TNA it's just balls.
  2. Top. I tried it earlier but to no avail! I'll give it another bash
  3. Been trying to find a clip of him talking about Cena but can't find one. Anyone got a link?
  4. 23/24 seconds in. No debate. He clearly says it! Then he seems to realise just what he's said!
  5. Actually I've just heard some awful news! The Macho Man has died! His obituary has already been written;
  6. This was my favourite. Oooohh yeah! Diego Machodona
  7. Unpopular opinions DDP was ace and should have been WWF champion Blood in wrestling is far too overrated Benoit was shit Kaientai were awesome Rikishi was shit The Two Man Powertrip was a tremendous angle and was over far too quick
  8. Him and JR worked well as they played off each other so brilliantly. Without JR King is just terrible. And it's funny that WWE doesn't put the effort in that TNA does for house shows. If only TNA were as good and made as much effort in their programming then they might just start to become the threat that WWE so badly needs. Tremendous.
  9. I think they should retire Lawler now, at least in terms of being on commentary or being on camera. His banter grew weary and tiresome long ago, and if WWE really are looking to move forward then they need to get rid of this relic.
  10. http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/big-update-potential-spoiler-on-the-22111-wwe-name-122659
  11. I loved Savage and Hogan back in the day. Hated Warrior though. Thought he was a flash in the pan tosser, and was raging (read; gutted - I was young then!) when he beat Hogan for the title at Mania. Savage was great in the ring and had a great character. Hogan was limited in the ring but used what he had well, and of course the whole Hulkamania phenomenon was ace. Can't stand Hogan now though. On the rare occasions I catch Impact I turn off whenever he's on. Or Bischoff for that matter. Wankers both. Anyway, the Warrior was a c**t. And of course you are quite right with the Cena and Batista comparisons. Cena is basically a modern day Hogan, with the company being built around him and with him featuring in all the main angles. Batista was quite like Warrior in terms of character and position in the company to Cena, but a lot better.
  12. Did anyone see the video from a couple of years back of the Macho Man in a gym speaking hilarious bollocks? He was saying stuff about kicking HHH's ass and so on. It was tremense. Can't find it though.
  13. Not long back from seeing 127 Hours. Quite how you would think they'd get a film out of a guy getting his arm stuck in a rock and being trapped for 5 days was a mystery to me, but I was so bored today that I went along to the Vue and saw it. And very good it was too! They stretch out the story well, and although grisly, the ending is rather uplifting. 8/10
  14. The guy in that video is such a little c**t. And he get's easily ripped time and time again. What an utter fandan. He was nearly in tears.
  15. P.S. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Bp5apFD4Q2Y
  16. You were looking forward to Cena easily beating Punk in every matchup they had? They've already destroyed the Nexus by having Cena easily beat them all at ease anytime he wants. Not great that he will be destroying Punk now. Nexus have been shown time and time again to be absolutely no threat at all and very easily beatable.
  17. All WWE PPV's from 2003 are currently £3 in HMV.
  18. I think buy rates and ratings will show that TNA's massive investment in Hogan/Bischoff/Hardy/RVD etc has been an utter disaster.
  19. There have been rumours of Sting facing Taker at Mania for a while now. Sting's contract runs out at the end of the year I think, and the guy is apparently looking to retire. One big match would be good. They could easily build it. Have attacks on Taker but then no culprit seen. Continue these attacks by a 'mystery assailant' until it costs Taker the title/a match at Chamber, then reveal it to be Sting. He could say some stuff like "Taker, you've defeated everyone in the business; you've beaten Rattlesnakes, Monsters, Great Ones, Immortal Ones, Warriors, Games, Next Big Things, Olympic Heros! But Taker, you've never beaten an ICON!" They could use Sting in squash matches to build him or in mixed tags to let him take time out and get fit, and to build him. They own his entire back catalogue from before he joined TNA so they could use that too. It's so simple to build that even I, not a writer, can do it. Phenom vs Icon. You could build all of Mania around it. It's looking like it needs something to save it, as I can't see what matches will be on it that will be even half decent. Basically it's shaping up to one of the worst Mania's ever if you consider the talent they have now and what matches they can have.
  20. Talking of the Rumble, who will win it? Very hard to see a standout contender here. I desperately hope they won't go with Cena, but it must be a possibility. If it was to facilitate a heel turn then it would be good though. Contenders; Barrett Cena Sheamus Orton HHH Outside chance; Morrison Edge Rey
  21. Indeed they were/are! I read that 'Knucklehead' was so shit that they weren't able to determine what money it made on it's opening week. The same report (in Powerslam I think it was) said that 'Motherhood' (a really shit Uma Thurman movie they said) grossed $88 in it's opening week. So as shit as that was, at least they were still able to determine a figure. 'Knucklhead' is so shit that they can't determine any income at all. Yet WWE keep putting these pish films out. Of course it must only be a matter of time before TNA copies them, as that's what they love doing. I can't wait to see what cinematic marvels they'll release, starring Hardy, Abyss etc.
  22. John Cena is really moving up in the world of acting; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ4z6J3PAi8 It looks like the worst movie ever. Although this is what WWE wrestlers should be doing now if they're going to be in movies, i.e. cameo type roles, as the novelty of seeing wrestlers in their own movie wore off long ago.
  23. #3 - Triple H vs. The Rock - WWE Backlash 2000 Ah, outstanding! Vince's 'big gulp of fear' after the double Rock Bottom through the table still makes me laugh to this day. I used to be able to recite the Rock's promo from before the match from memory. I can still remember a suprisingly large amount of it! The build to this match was also amazing. Holding off Rock/HHH from Mania turned out to be a stroke a genius. The cage match on Raw the night after Mania, the deck stacked against the Rock with the McMahon's and HHH joining ranks, and of course the return of Austin just made it all the better. Plus the crowd reaction for the match was incredible. I'm not sure what got the bigger pop, when the glass hits or when Rock gets the pin.
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