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Posts posted by SaintSam

  1. Oh right! Mmmm your next day in work'll be interesting! :lol:

    You know...

    I think he's actually used to seeing his staff drunk.

    Wee bit of advice Sam. People who encourage you to get drunk wind you up and point you towards your boss are not friends. keep a close eye on them. ;)

    It wasn't a case of them encouraging me, it was a case of them not discouraging me. :P

  2. I've just finished watching an episode of CSI Miami.

    How bad an actor is the guy that plays Horatio Caine? It's really worth watching just for the laugh-a-minute badness of him.

    Still, his sunglasses-and-one-liner combination never fail to crack me up :D

    Currently working my way through the original CSI box sets - don't like any of the spin offs.

  3. A list:

    Burst water main - toilets flood - photo lab floods - Sam has to spend the last hour and a half of her shift mopping the floor so the plumbers can determine the source of the leak - film developer machine is broken - Sam opens up on the photo lab tomorrow morning at 8am - There's no guarantee either machine will be working by the time she gets there - Sam doesn't finish until 8pm tomorrow night.


  4. Sam I've read how you reply to people, pot calling kettle black comes to mind.

    No, I don't think so. I think there's a distinct difference between being someone who knows their opinions and being able to communicate them in a serious discussion and someone who can't get their point across without resorting to personal abuse. I'll maybe take your opinions more seriously when you don't continually go off topic to bash my character.

    Above all - I don't think I was ever necessarily standing on the other side of the fence to you, more taking issue with the way you were putting your point across and judging these parents. People agree with your stance, and that's fair enough, but people also agree that you are being harsh. I don't have a problem with your feelings on the matter, but the way you're putting them about is just sad, in my opinion.

  5. This is the first time I've read this thread and I must say I'm a bit surprised at the general tone , I doubt anything said would be news to these parents , I reckon they've got a wee inckling that they f'ked up , they've probably mulled it over a few times over the last couple of days :huh:

    I really can't possibly imagine just how terrifying this must be for them , it doesn't bear thinking about , and to know all along that things could've been so different :(

    I was on holiday a few years ago where a couple left their kids in the room at night whilst they came down for a drink , we sat with a buggy in tow 24/7 and told them that we couldn't do it , they checked every 20 minutes or so ... just to see if the kids had woken or were crying ... not to see if someone had jemmied the shutters open and abducted one of them !

    I guess the culprit (either a paedophile or a 'wanabe' mum) was working or staying in the complex and had spotted that little girl during the day and had then noticed what the parents were doing at night ... in that case , the very act of checking on the kids showed the way :(

    It was reported that the person police believe to have been responsible, had been watching the comings and goings of the family for a few days previous. I'm not sure of the credibility of that, but there you go. It's a sad situation and I feel very sorry for them.

  6. What is harsh?

    At the end of the day, it is bad parenting!

    Well, fair enough.

    I don't really see the point in punishing these people, if their daughter is not found alive and well then that will be punishment enough for them. To suggest that they deserve this to happen to them is a little extreme and distasteful in my opinion.

  7. They are guilty of gross negligence and no amount of nonsense spouted from you changes that fact.

    We all know you like to disagree with people just to spite them Sam it's what you do best but that dosent change the fact that I am right in my stance and other people have agreed with me.

    Maybe when have kids you will see the foolishness of what you have said Sam as leaving that number of kids unsupervised is just tempting fate they simply should have been less selfish or stupid. My mother was far from a perfect mother but one thing she would never have done is leave me or my brothers or sister unsupervised it's something you don't do especially at that age if you are a responsible parent. Many people have kids and get annoyed that they get in the way of their lifestyle if that's the case don't have bloody kids in the first place.

    Am I being harsh maybe but when it comes to the welfare of kids I wont miss words, you have Kids you are responsible for them 24/7 and they neglected those responsibilities. That is fact and not up for debate Sam.

    You will also notice that parents have agreed with me sadly you believe you are always right even when you are wrong.

    In this case you couldn't be more wrong.

    You have slagged me off throughout that post. Perhaps we can continue this discussion, when you don't behave this way? :)

  8. I agree with some of Sam's points though. Children are never 100% safe, regardless of where they are.

    That is my whole point here - obviously parents can take extra measures to ensure their childs safety (which most people on this thread believe these parents failed to do on this occasion, and that's fair enough) but children are never 100% safe.

    It's not a bad point to note either, that when you tuck your children up in bed at night, and then leave them in a room seperate to yours, unsupervised for six/seven hours whilst you both sleep, someone could easily break into your house and snatch them without you ever knowing about it. As I said previously on the thread, where there's a will, there's a way.

    I think the way these parents are being spoken about by certain posters on here is extremely harsh. Like Phoenix says - its these people who will have to live with that mistake for the rest of their lives, there's no point in ramming the point home and accusing them of being bad parents, or indeed unfit to care for their children when there are a lot of real bad parents in this world.

  9. Where was I slagging you? you simply cant accept that you are maybe losing the argument with me can you?

    Not at all.

    I think you are being harsh on the parents and have explained my reasons for it. You think your behaviour (which is a lot more severe than people who are as strongly opinionated on this as you are) is perfectly reasonable. I'm happy to accept that.

    I don't really care about "winning" arguments. :lol:

  10. I wouldn't suggest that children need to be watched 24/7. I know when I was nine or ten I was out playing along the road with friends, and my parents knew where I was, but certainly weren't watching me at all times. I'd say that's a healthy part of childhood if the area's safe enough to warrant it.

    But, as I say, I was nine or ten. Infants need to be within a room of their parents, or a responsible caregiver (that part's very important; I realise parents have lives, jobs etc. and thus grandparents, cousins, even babysitters are all great) at all times. I don't think it's at all unrealistic to expect that. There's a world of difference between them and ten year olds.

    I know that you can't wrap your kids in cotton wool, or even if you do, bad things can (and will) still happen to them. I'm not suggesting locking them away in a dungeon until they're 18; I'm saying that infants require constant care and attention and if the parents wanted to go out to dinner, they should have arranged a babysitting service, because the kids are far, far, far too young to be left alone.

    I don't disagree with any of that.

    But I think Steven is being harsh on them - I'm sure nobody feels any worse than they do at the moment and I do think there are parents much more deserving of his criticism than these ones. Like the mother who allowed her own mother and two sisters to join her in egging on her two children to batter each other, whilst she filmed it. Both were toddlers. Now there is a woman who is unfit to parent.

  11. The children were infants. They weren't ten year olds being left out to play. It is inconceivable that a responsible parent would leave their infant children alone in a different building from the one they were in.

    edit: added word infant into second sentence

    My feeling on the matter is that you can't watch your children 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and indeed bad things happen to children when they are even in the supervision of their parents. My parents would leave me in the back or front garden on my own whilst they were in the house - and not always watching me, might I add. Our gate was never locked, anyone could have walked in and snatched me. Would that have been their fault too?

    Whilst I'm not defending their decision to leave their children home alone (I don't really have a strong opinion either way on that choice, but it'll happen a lot more than people on here are giving it credit for) I'm offering a different point of view that you can't always protect your children from bad things or bad people. Children have been abducted in their own homes whilst their parents have been there, children have been sexually assaulted in their own homes whilst their parents have been there.

    I don't envy parents in general - having that level of responsibility must be difficult for anyone.

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