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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtFg417oF_A
  2. I didn't think it was possible to hate a child more than the old Ben, nevermind hate the same character more! Why did they get rid of Lauren?
  3. David Essex, the only good acting 'Moon' has now officially left. Good whilst it lasted with him in it.
  4. Frost/Nixon 'Artistic license' or not, it was a great film. Top notch. 9/10.
  5. CM Punk vs Austin is being touted for Wrestlemania. Austin has already said if he could cherry-pick an opponent it'd be CM Punk, and alluding to the Mayweather fight last night, Punk said that's the fight everyone wants to see.
  6. The brand 'divide' has been lifted and all superstars will be able to compete on Raw or Smackdown. Any chance of a link and what time it starts and finishes? Only very rarely watch Raw since I don't have Sky Sports, but looking to get into the swing of things again.
  7. What's with Vince McMahon's hairdo these days? Was it not something like 3-4 year ago he got shaved bald? He just looks like a sad old man with that haircut, whereas he looked genuinely like a powerful man with his old classy do. Get it sorted WWE.
  8. I quite like Wrestlemania 16 with the McMahon in every corner as well.
  9. Any decent streams? Reading through the thread, this has to be my favourite ever PPV as well. Don't think it can ever be beaten. On channel 4 as well!
  10. Triple H is a c**t. Vince McMahon is a c**t. Hulk Hogan is a c**t. Ric Flair is a c**t. In fact, one of the few good guys is Mick Foley. The fact is, most people in wrestling/business aren't very likable as people, but they are fantastic entertainers and that's all we should judge them on IMO.
  11. Who does? I've always assumed people considered Marlon Brando to be the best actor of all time. I'd even say Errol Flynn was a better actor than Olivier.
  12. Anyone who thinks Jericho could 'maul' people such as Khali, Big Show & Kane are just talking pish. Even 'auld men' like Taker would wipe the floor with Jericho.
  13. I presume you're referring to Max Baer? If so, the depiction of him was no different than what he was depicted as at the time. Other than that very small detail, fantastic film. 8/10.
  14. The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka To summarise this novella, would actually blow your mind. This is not a child's book, and I'm led to believe it's taught in many universities around the country. Essentially, a man wakes up and finds himself now an insect, a hideous insect. His family are struggling for money, and he is the sole provider for the family but of course, he is no more, because he's an insect. This puts an incredible strain on the family who can't bear to look at this 'monster' but still feed it. Anyways, the insect dies and the family poke it with a brush to ensure it's dead. And that's that. Strangely, I felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness at the end, I had actually connected with the insect... Maybe that says more about me, however. Great wee read and only 50 pages long, but it's best to read it before you know what it's about, as any description must surely put one off. Anyone who's read it, care to comment or provide some deeper analysis? Also, at the end, when the girl stretches, am I to take it that she too is turning into an insect or is she just relieved at having the burden off her shoulders or is it indeed intended to be ambigious?
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