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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Gangs of New York It's not Scorsese's greatest film, by any stretch of the imagination but it is very good. In fact, it's brilliant. I think it shows the class difference between George Lucas and Scorsese as well, when Lucas visited the massive set of 19th century New York when he turned round to Scorsese and just said, 'Sets like that can be done with computers now'. Scorsese, in my opinion, is the greatest director in the land. 8/10.
  2. Ludo*1

    South Park

  3. Magnolia Second time I've seen it, and after the first time I'd have given it a 7/10 but when you watch it for the second time, you pick up so much more detail in the film. Perhaps it's because I'm older as well, but it's now firmly in my top 5 films. Even if you're not into the film, it's definitely one of those, you'd call an 'experience'. 10/10. Martyrs Another 'experience'. Wee gem of a horror, it's rather deep and depressing though. So if you don't like films that don't give you the answer at the end, then this isn't for you. I hear it's getting a Hollywood remake which is almost as ridiculous as the remake of 'Oldboy' will be. For anyone that's not seen it, give it a go if you like truly gruesome stuff. 7/10.
  4. Anyone read 'Fooled by Randomness' and know if it's any good? Was think of getting it.
  5. Love that when Di Stefano has his say, he tries to reach out to the Dundee fans with this comment: "I would have no involvement in anything to do with Rangers, as my passion in Scottish football lies elsewhere. Mind you, and I know some Dundee fans might not like this, but if I had the money, I would buy Rangers - it represents such a good deal you’d be a mug not to." My riposte, is f**k off Gio, the further you are away from us the better! And you could be ruining Rangers!
  6. I've seen both these films, and I like them both, but the question is which one should I watch tonight? 1. Interview with a Vampire 2. Gangs of New York
  7. See if you had told me yesterday, I'd be agreeing with VikingTon in a debate with HJ I'd have laughed at you.
  8. Ludo*1

    South Park

    I fear this is becoming an under-rated programme! Under rated is probably the wrong expression, but for people to rate Family Guy above it is simply unreal. It went a bit stale for a bit, but it's hit top form again and it's episodes based on Family Guy a few years back were hilarious!
  9. What goes up, must come down. This resulted in a few deaths I'm sure.
  10. You can slag Ayr for being pish and defensive against Killie, but if they went out like Morton have from this cup then the criticism would have been much worse. Was Tidserou playing? Shameful.
  11. My favourite Mania match was the McMahon in every corner match. Single matches have never massively entertained me unless there is a stipulation of sorts or it's an absolute belter of a match, like Michaels vs Taker. Overall though, I'm a Rumble man and 2000 can't be bettered IMO.
  12. Royal Rumble 2000 - The best ever? Amazing street fight between Cactus Jack & Triple H, Tazz putting Angle to sleep, Dudley's& Hardy's in a tables match, PUPPIES!!!, and an awesome Rumble match.
  13. In a dilemma, need a site where I can watch this tomorrow without me having to have anything revealed? Any idea if Kane will be in the actual Rumble?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUdD40Bf0NI&feature=related
  15. Is he still planning on entering the olympics?
  16. Could be a clever ploy to build up Twitter, perhaps even incorporating it into storyline?
  17. Chris Jericho was pished. WWE's Twitter: Due to Chris Jericho's delay, we've had to postpone @BrodusClay 's debut for another couple weeks
  18. We've moved from the PG era to the silent promo era.
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