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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. As far as I'm aware, he was released earlier in the season and plays for a Highland League team. Nothing official has been said about it though, so it could just be speculation. In any case, I doubt he'll be here next season.

  2. Ludo*1


    Mark Williams in trouble for labeling the Crucible a 'shit hole'.
  3. Never heard of this, any chance you can fill me in on the details? Just watched it back and nothing looked out of the ordinary ie, injury wise?
  4. Jim Delahunt on Twitter: That Bill Miller statement in full: "This isn't going to happen." #surelyawinduptoofar
  5. I hope it's a work as well, could turn into a cracking rivalry. It is a bit far though but then again, we've had the Katie Vick storyline so absolutely anything is possible.
  6. BM: ' I have held a series of talks over the past week with officials from the SPL and SFA in an effort to ensure Rangers play in the 2012/13 season without further points deductions, fines or other punitive sanctions, relating to either the terms of my purchase or the actions of the prior administrations, beyond those levied during the 2011/12 season. My offer is contingent upon the regulatory bodies agreeing the club will begin play in the 2012/13 season in the SPL and that they will do so without any loss of points and with all historic titles intact. I will not acquire the club unless I receive written assurances. ' Unbelievable.
  7. The Taker/HBK point has already been answered so I'll leave that be. I think it's more than likely that Austin will be competing at either this coming Wrestlemania or the next, in fact, I think that it's almost guaranteed. Rock vs Brock probably won't top the bill because it's two part-time wrestlers competing, so if Austin did compete against Punk that would get the nod because overall, that would be the bigger, and better event simple as.
  8. Genuinely didn't think that was the closing match when thinking back, but I remember it now.
  9. Austin, like it or not, was/is bigger than either Rock or Brock were/are. How can you determine that you know better than Austin over Austin's own body? One bad bump can kill anyone. Cena/Taker - Granted I'd have that as top bill, but when was the last time a Taker match closed Mania? (Even though it should)
  10. Think it's time to get this blasting again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pDk75Y1SZ4
  11. Aye, I said that in an earlier post. H&D have been like Laurel and Hardy throughout this process.
  12. Ng: bidding process has become untenable. Announcement with deep regret. - BBC
  13. Thanks very much! Ng: serious concerns over deliverability of shares on offer. Increasingly frustrated with D&P. May be back if no other agreement reached. - BBC
  14. In my opinion, if it does happen it should top the bill regardless if Rock vs Brock happens or not. Rumours suggest the Foley vs Ambrose rivalry have been scrapped as Foley hasn't reacted kindly to Ambrose's style - Could well be a work, however.
  15. I've lost track with all the goings on at Rangers, can anyone quickly fill me in as to what's happened up until this point?
  16. Anyone seen anything of the Territory League? Seemingly it has Gene Snitsky, Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay, Scotty 2 Hotty, Chavo & Gangrel amongst others competing in it.
  17. Whilst it's being touted as the 'People Power Era' can we officially say we've left the PG Era?
  18. Mick Foley replies to Ambrose: Seems like it's either heating up to boiling point or it's real?
  19. WWE Championship as the first match of the night on Raw is ridiculous.
  20. Just read the spoilers, caved in. Very surprising end to the show tonight!
  21. Hmmm, don't know if I'll stay up for this, if someone who has read the spoilers can answer YES! in a Daniel Bryan like manner I'll stay up; Is Kane on? Is there even a slight twist to any of the current rivalries?
  22. Is it on the same time as usual tonight? What's the script with it being on in the UK?
  23. Link To Wife Swap Mick is just an all round nice guy in it, a bit of a slob though. The other family is just uptight. Decent.
  24. Anyone know where I can see the episode of Mick Foley on Wife Swap?
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