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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Read on Mike Chioda's wiki that he was suspended back in November for failing the Talent Wellness Program. Kind of drugs was he doing like?
  2. Kenny Dykstra has done a huge shoot interview apparently. I only read about it because Jim Ross said he's 'not interested' in reading it, so here it is: Link.
  3. Regal seems like a cracking guy, far from the type that's pissed on an air hostess.
  4. JBL who tweeted this before Johnny was appointed permanently: ' IF i returned IF, I would want to be RAW gm and have some fun! I could do wonders there-great talent, just needs someone to play off of!' ?
  5. Eden Lake is a rancid film, but the ending is half decent. The rest of the film was just meh.
  6. An electric razor doesn't give you that clean shaven feeling that a blade will, and you'll have to shave more often with an electric razor as it doesn't cut near as close. I use an electric shaver more out of laziness than anything else and in my experience it is better for sensitive skin.
  7. JR, Dusty and Regal! I can see this being a lot better show than Smackdown.
  8. Another question, is Vader officially back or was that just a one week thing?
  9. Aye, on his dvd there was a bit mentioned when he was hanging on the side of a cage/hell in the cell cage and he was punched by someone (Think it was Mick Foley may be wrong) and he just threw himself off the cage and went through the announcers table with its lid on which wasn't actually supposed to happen but he just got carried away and wanted to put on a show.
  10. So what's Johhny's official role in the company now then? Is he only an on-screen character now?
  11. Definitely worth a watch. Best it's been in weeks, Vince is decent in it but he makes a good few mistakes as does Johnny who says the 100th episode of Raw is coming. Decent watch.
  12. Prometheus As an Alien fan... I liked it. I liked the subtle links it has with Alien, and the end, well it never ruined it for me, it made it! And Noomi Rapace 7/10
  13. Cheers for the update! I'd go for Vorderman personally, but bring on the Riley's.
  14. Right, I completely gave up on this saga weeks ago, and as such I'm miles behind. Anyone care to fill me in? From what I gather, jelly and ice cream time will be short as Newco Rangers will be back in the SPL for the upcoming season, but it's a banker that original Rangers are gubbed. Is that about the long and short of it? Much appreciated for anyone who brings me back into the loop.
  15. I disagree, I don't want to see Vickie get her comeuppance, nor do I hate her. In fact, she bores me and her voice goes through me. When she comes out with her, 'Excuse me?!' pish, it actually encourages me to switch off the TV/Laptop and go to bed. That's not a good heel as far as I'm concerned, and the only reason she gets the reaction she does is because the fans want her off. It's an extra advert break when she comes out and she held back Ziggler. She wouldn't even be on our screens if it wasn't for Eddie's tragic passing.
  16. Think the spoiler may be for next week given that Vince McMahon is coming back. Just a thought though.
  17. Can you PM me it if you wouldn't mind? Kane had a decent match last week, and I've always been a big fan of him but his match will be as predictable as last week.
  18. So what's the spoiler? Was that it?
  19. Jacob's Ladder Brilliant film and a must watch. Anyone know of any films even remotely like this? Only purchased this because of the Silent Hill link and it did not disappoint. 9/10.
  20. Why not the Rumble? '...And now it's time, for THE ROYAL RUMBLLLLLLLEEEE Match!!!'
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