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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. I'd rather be simple than live in the 'Murder Capital'. Each to their own an that though.
  2. Keep going. Keep going now Dode.

    Get em telt!

  3. Full article here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/driving/article6550528.ece
  4. I wanted to do 'It' for my personal study in 5th year a few year back. Only to be told 'Stephen King novels lack depth'. What shite!
  5. Currently reading The Godfather for the third time.
  6. Outrageous! Angelo Massone on the news says this was intentional to 'teach Livi fans a lesson' that without him look what would happen.
  7. Andre the Giant was far more entertaining than Khali would have & will ever be. Can he though? It has been a good few years since I stopped watching wrestling regularly but on the odd occasion that I do catch him his performances (More likely storyline as a jobber) are incredibly embarassing but since you are a regular watcher I shall take your word for i. Umaga is just a horrible, horrible gimmick that will go nowhere IMO. At the start of his push I would have actually agreed with you but to me it just felt same-y after a while. Rey Mysterio is massively popular with the younger generation which is exactly why many older fans like me stopped watching. He should never have got the Heavyweight Championship. It's a give-away in the name Heavyweight that he shouldn't have won it! Everything else you mentioned I do agree with and there is no need to quote as there is nothing to add. Also, it seems as if you accept that the WWE is not as good as it once was realistically it can't stay at the top forever but it seems as if people are just accepting that it is in decline. IMO if people didn't think like this WWE wouldn't be like this. Simply put - It is whatever that makes money!
  8. Each and every on of those wrestlers I have highlighted are absolutely dire. The Great Khali has no personality & no wrestling ability he is the poor mans Big Show or Andre. John Morrison is decent in the ring & decent with the mic but that is all he ever will be is decent. WWE have single-handedly ruined Kane whether it was allowing him to talk, unmasking, Lita, Katie Vicks. He has became just a total jobber that deserves no respect especially when he got beat from Heidenrich. Should I even start on Umaga? Edge, Shelton Benjamin, Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio are mid table wrestlers at BEST. Sure Jeff Hardy is an amazing wrestler but he just doesn't fit the criteria of what you would expect of a top guy. Edge is a good wrestler but he becomes so tedious after a while. His mic skills are so one dimensional it is unbelievable, although I do rate Edge and acknowledge that may be WWE's fault rather than him. Rey Mysterio is a class wrestler and a great entertainer but he should never be able to get near a World Title especially when he is coming up against people like Big Show, Khali & Kane and WINNING! I know that the WWE is just there to entertain but the show must have limits. When Hogan beat Andre it was a classic moment in wrestling history. Now when the biggest guy gets beat by the smallest guy in the company there is no shock - no entertainment. Chris Jericho & CM Punk (From what I've heard about him) are the future of WWE especially now that the two big guys in the business are beginning to contemplate retirement (Shawn Michaels & Taker). Maybe it is just me that is stuck in my ways of watching Wrestling of yonder and the fact that it is aimed at a younger generation now but WWE for me anyways just offers nothing. Not even the excitement I used to feel when watching someone like The Rock or Jake the Snake is the same and that is why I stopped watching. I am well aware most will disagree but that is my tuppence.
  9. If it came down to wrestling ability alone then the middle group is the best hands down. However, Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior and the like had an exceptional ability to entertain which as you probably know was what built The Ultimate Warriors huge fan base and 'Hulkamania'. This new breed seem to be one dimensional and terrible on the mic. And when there is a star who is good on the mic it has to be the most annoying human being in the world that is John Cena. This and the fact that WWE seem to just be targeting younger audiences put me right off wrestling as a whole.
  10. Is it just me or are WWE Main Event superstars getting worse: Edge Jack Swagger Christian Matt & Jeff (Good Mid-Tablers) Batista Rey Mysterio Compare this to these: Benoit Rock Stone Cold Kurt Angle And Then Compare These To This: Hogan Ultimate Warrior Ted Di Bias
  11. Don't want to see any club going down the pan. Get well soon Kachoul FC
  12. Bump. Some posters nearly beat that a day now!
  13. Taken Good quality suspense film. Liam Neeson is brilliant. 8/10 Step Brothers Not as good as I had hoped but there are a few cheap laughs and thrills. 6/10
  14. Fang114 is my ID. Games I Have: COD4 Fifa Pro Evo Uncharted Resistance Fall of Man Stranglehold Kane & Lynch GTA In bold you'll usually find me playing. I dare anyone to challenge me at Fifa
  15. She is fantastic in the Silence of the Lambs
  16. Serpico - 10/10 No need to explain! The Untouchables - 10/10 As above Narc - 9/10 Never gonna be a classic but still a brilliant film! IMDB users rate The Dark Night as the Best of the Top 250 list of all time. Not saw it yet but a superhero film compared to the Godfather and Shawshank Redemption, surely this is just the publicity this film has gathered as it was Heath Ledger's last. Not saying it won't be brilliant but the best EVER, highly unlikely IMO!
  17. So your saying that every single person that views this thread has seend Oldboy? And I never said what you posted was a spoiler I said, I didn't want to give too much away so I just copied the outline of the plot from the TV Guide. And sorry for the North Korea/Japan thing
  18. And? That was the last movie I saw and scored it out of ten, if others have different opinions fair enough, but I don't see your point?
  19. I just copied what it said out of the TV Times (I shortened it down however missing the things that weren't needed) so that I wouldn't be giving any spoilers away numbnuts
  20. Oldboy Very good film, slow at points but hey that's part of the magic that is Asian cinema. Beasically it's about a man who has been kept in a prison for 15 years and then suddenly gets released so he decides to hunt down his jailor as hecan't remember why he was imprisoned! Must watch film if your a fan of japanese cinema 8/10. Pathology A film with so much talent but delivers SO little it has a nice few plot turns but is ultimately a borefest however, Peter Petrelli is in it which was how I hear about it. Worth a scout if your in the mood but definitely below average! 4/10!
  21. 21 Good film. Slow at times but has a great climax and has a few no bad twists in store. Not everyones cup of tea but the film is definitely above average. 8/10 for me, however since this film is a film you have to listen to every word it may drop in my ratings to a 7 not quite decided yet! This film is definitely not for everyone but for the people who are into these type of films definitely a must watch! Final Score 7/10
  22. Battle Royale, class in a glass the sequel is VERY VERY poor, so bad I only watched half of it. Although other people liked it, it felt like a straight to DVD release after a highly successful movie which it probably was
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