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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. I suppose, but The Miz more or less confirmed it. Hush.
  2. The audience shouting 'What?!' made me think the Raw GM could be Austin. My interest was further intrigued when Cole mentioned Rock and Sock, which means it's someone from that era but it's definitely not Foley as he's at TNA. However, it could also be HHH. What made me plump for Austin though was when Cole quoted the GM as saying 'I'll deal with the Rock later'. This made my mind go back to the HoF when Rock and Austin teased one more match.
  3. It must be two wrestlers in the 21 2 11 thing as the song mentions 'buddies'. The Miz has basically just made it obvious The Rock will be special guest referee in the main event.
  4. The Rock will have to react surely? If Sting is fighting Taker at WM, surely they wouldn't take Sting's 'power' away from him so soon by letting him lose against Taker. That's why I hope Sting isn't involved.
  5. Badass Taker to make a return or phenom? Rock vs Taker at WM? Awesome Kong is the 21/2/11 person or Sting? Few out there ideas.
  6. Michael Cole; 'There is only one John Cena...' Thank god for that.
  7. Cena telling Rock to blow him? PG? I think not.
  8. If he calls the Rock out and the Rock does come out and Cena tries to use 'thuganomics', well, he's pretty much fucked.
  9. Any good links for the show tonight? I don't have Sky Sports unfortunately and I'm more excited with this tonight with Taker/Rock appearing.
  10. If you take away the JBL match-up, his opponents gradually get worse as well.
  11. What an awful, awful ending. What a letdown.
  12. Anyone else see CM Punk & JM smiling to each other when CM pinned him?
  13. If Morrisson wins, it will be an anti-climax despite him being the superior wrestler. If CM Punk wins, the kids won't be happy. If Cena wins, there will be a massive boo. It's hard to see what they do with this.
  14. If Cena loses which I think he will, you know what that points too...
  15. I was thinking that too but didn't want to get whooshed.
  16. CM Punk is gonna win now, I'd put my house on it.
  17. If Taker isn't appearing tonight, and Cena's the 'guaranteed' winner then perhaps The Rock will layeth the Smackdown once he's won? EDIT: What happened with Lawler?
  18. The 21/2/11 thing threw me. I forgot about the time difference. But something big has got to happen if this is the main even as on the face of it, it doesn't seem too great. Is that a chant of CM Punk or Cena sucks? Ohhh yeahhhhh. ROCKY!
  19. Is this the main event? How does Taker link into all this?
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