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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Sad fact that Bomber Brown is no longer the most embarrassing manager in Scotland at the moment. Keep Alex Smith to save us further embarrassment.
  2. Go on the relevant thread and check for yourself. I'm not here to inform you, good luck with your findings.
  3. If the fans back the club to the hilt, then Dunfermline will easily come out the other side of this. I don't get the opportunity to say this a lot, but just look at the messes Dundee have been in and survived.
  4. Keep the faith Dunfermline fans, we were due a sizeable chunk to HMRC and raised over £30,000 on a flag initiative alone. We raised a hell of a lot of money, and I'm sure if Dunfermline fans dig in, they can save their club as well. You must act though, even if it's in vain.
  5. One of the greatest managers in wrestling, big loss.
  6. Taker to return, otherwise he's out of Mania. So he'll be back.
  7. Dutch Mantel is very underrated on the mic, exceptional in that video!
  8. Mick Foley is always saying he has one big match left in him, he may well be deluding himself considering the state of his body, but then again, I'd never write him off to do so. Anyways, the point of my question was this - If Taker only had one more match in him as well, would you be adverse to see him fighting Foley one last time as a sort of send-off to both wrestlers? The result would never be in doubt, and the streak wouldn't be threatened, but I'd struggle to name a greater story-teller than either of those two, and considering their past matches it'd almost be poetic that they ended one anothers careers. Just a thought, what does everyone else think?
  9. What was their reason for getting rid of the eagle title in the first place out of interest? I had lapsed at that point. The spinner title is dire, as are most titles that are designed for one character in mind. Except from the Million Dollar title, that was ace.
  10. Well that was mightily disappointing!
  11. Looks like it's too late for the rumours to be true then...
  12. Must admit, I'd rather Kane in the Chamber. Just tuning in now to see if the rumours are true about tonight. Is this the Main Event? Again interesting if it is considering who is competing.
  13. Anyone read any of the Necroscope series? Been recommended it, but not sure if it'd be to my liking.
  14. Ludo*1

    Dota 2

    Sounds decent, just looked into it more, any chance you can send me a key? I'll fire you a PM with my e-mail if so, as I'm not too sure regarding steam.
  15. Ian Beale was homeless and an absolute nutter about 3 month ago, now he's getting in about Denise and resolving her problems. That's some turnaround.
  16. Surely Tanya knows what she is getting into with Max considering she was a bit on the side at one point herself!
  17. I think burying someone alive is a bit far regardless if your husband is pumping your daughter in law.
  18. Ottawa Senators coach Paul McLean wearing a Dundee FC tie.
  19. I had it on a couple of minute delay and a guy on my FB posted that he'd choked. I pissed myself.
  20. Hemphill & Limmy's 'argument' was clearly just a joke between the two.
  21. When I was at Uni, the main sport for students seemed to be Rugby, not just for playing but watching too. Football was very rarely mentioned! This always surprised me, is this still the case today? Or is it even a case?
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