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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. A Complete History of My Sexual Failures. Terrible, terrible film. It's supposed to be a documentary but in reality it is a mockumentary which is fair enough. However, everything that is supposed to be funny in the film would only be funny if it was real, it's not and it's almost as if the film reminds you of that fact as the actors are always slightly over the top. Just a bit disappointing and while this description of the film will most likely make you confused, if you watch the film you'll understand. 3/10
  2. Happy Go Lucky Cheery, harmless comedy. Well unless you are Scott Marsann. IMO it is a gem of a film but it is perhaps hindered by the sheer amount of success it received with people building their expectations for it. If you go into this film believing it to be shit, it probably will be. It is one of those films where you have to be in the perfect mood to understand and develop it's perfect qualities. 8/10 Mallrats I love every single one of Kevin Smith's films which may say more about me than it does him as a director. This one received very bad reviews but like most of Smith's films built up a cult following from the DVD release. Great little film and normally, I'd take points off for it being rather visually basic but I suppose that is just Smith's style. No real laugh out loud moments but Smith's dialogue always keeps you hooked. 7/10
  3. When will Eastenders be on? I can't miss Shameless.
  4. If Jim Ross joined TNA that would mean that TNA have better wrestlers than WWE and now better announcers. It's only loyalty that is keeping people glued to WWE. They will have to get their act together pronto IMO.
  5. Also, is it just me or is it a bit shit that you can only get Pokemon from one of your previous games once you have completed it? (Unless your a hardcore gamer)
  6. Currently playing Diamond but keep getting whooped by the Elite Four. My party isn't great : Gabite - LVL 28 Dialga - LVL 53 Rapidash - LVL 42 Luxray - LVL 45 Gyrados - LVL 45 And I have a choice between Uxie, Azelf & Kadabra ( Whom was my main pokemon until I received Dialga). I've defeated all trainers and I am fed up battling Wild Pokemon. Is there any moves I could buy to make it easier? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I found my DS which I have barely played since I got it and discovered that I had Pokemon Ruby & Diamond. Ruby is a game that I had previously played on the old Game Boy but to be honest never got into. Is it possible to transfer the Pokemon I had on that game onto Pokemon Diamond? I only have the DS but one is a card thing and the other is a cartridge so there is two spaces. Any help would be much appreciated.
  8. I agree, it'd be great to see him wear his mask once again but I doubt it'd have the same effect as it did. Also, if they gave him his mask back they'd turn it into a cheesy gimmick as they do with most 'different' wrestlers these days ie Boogeyman etc. What capacity is Hogan in at TNA? Is Hogan the man that is supposed to be head-fronting the 'war' of the ratings against WWE. I must say, in my opinion, TNA's roster is much better than WWE's at the moment it has more 'personalities' and is in a similar mould to the Attitude Era from WWE but obviously the quality ain't nowhere near as good. This again could be wrong, I'm just going off the 20 minutes that I saw.
  9. The same could be said about Kane & Paul Bearer I suppose.
  10. Since when did TNA change the ring to the normal square? As I suppose is probably pretty obvious, I don't watch much TNA but was suprised to see that a change like that had been made. (To be fair, I never liked the Octagon as a wrestling ring). I may be miles off but could it have anything to do with Hogan entering TNA?
  11. Shutter Decent film and interesting plot but it was too close to films that have been done like 'The Ring' and 'The Eye'. 6/10
  12. I very rarely agree with your views on films but here you have got it spot on in my eyes. Harry Brown Seems to be the done thing at the moment, older actors playing a character who is seeking revenge. Decent film, however, I have seen better. I am just going to base this as if it was an original though as I have a soft spot for this type of film and shall give it a very decent but perhaps slightly generous score (Due to the fact the genre of these type of films is becoming repetitive.) of; 6/10
  13. Paranormal Activity Over-hyped rubbish and basically what you see in the trailer is the worst it gets. Not frightening in the least just the Blair Witch Projoct filmed in a house IMO. 2/10
  14. The Men Who Stare At Goats No explanations needed. Just a poor film. 3/10
  15. People who don't know that ellipsis is only '...'. To many people on P&B do this................ while making a point.
  16. It is an exaggeration. In general terms, however, I do agree with his point. ST is quite critical of some 'classics' and just pawns them off. He is more than entitled to do so though as it adds debate and his personal opinion to the thread.
  17. Funny People. Good comedic actors in this film & a plot that could have been very clever. However, the film just wasn't as good as it should have been and was boring at times. 4/10
  18. Zombieland I absolutely loved this film. Some ace moments. In my opinion it has totally rejuvenated and gave new ideas to the Zombie type films. Although, most zombie pictures have been decent recently this is one of my favorites at the moment. 8/10
  19. Why have you something to hide on it?

  20. Anyone wanting Sega Rally? JUST TAKE IT.
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