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honestly united

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Everything posted by honestly united

  1. As Rangers offered him a contract, we would either have to pay a fee if he rejected Rangers contract and signed with us, or wait till later in the summer to see if we can get him on loan again
  2. https://www.glasgowwarriors.org/news/manjezi-signs-for-glasgow-warriors?fbclid=IwAR3vTnbWboS_Bvw3_xJ5HGJXcdgUvnGHYB87TZzGCIFM5oW9TN7-QLfPkdo Glasgow definetely adding some beef for next year
  3. Unfortunately cant comment on the 2nd Division, being a glory hunter I just follow Domzale in 1.SNL
  4. The first few games I saw him in looked the typical athlete that had never played rugby before. His last few games he looked passable but he was never going to get above squad filler level. In any matches I saw he was never above passable, I would rather have kept someone like Rory Hughes than him. I was just looking up the glasgow squad to see who would be above him in the pecking order for a place on the wing if he had stayed (no one currently), and was reminded we signed Walter Fifita but for the life of me I cant remember him playing, Its says he made his debut in Jan vs Ospreays as a sub and thats been it. Hopefully he is not the new Tagive
  5. 5 and a half years, 24 appearances (i didnt think it was that many) and 4 tries. I dont know how he managed to get selected for a Scotland squad.
  6. We went from 2nd to 8th in a matter of weeks, winning becomes a habit and you start to find ways to win. We are the opposite in that we have got into a habit of losing (or not even losing completely capitulating) and have found new ways of shooting ourselves in the foot. Its the older guys who should know better that are the biggest culprits. Wilson, Harley, Fagerson. Also for all we hear about Richie Gray bringing his experience back to the club, to me he looks one of the quietest guys on the pitch. He should be one of the ones dragging the players through tough patches and making sure they make the right calls, but I just dont get that from him. We seem to be missing that Al Kellock type that makes sure everything is going the right way on the pitch, which I am maybe unfairly assuming Gray would be doing. Well done to Edinburgh though, if you look at the squad of player's I would take Glasgows all day, but Blair is getting more out of them that WIlson is at Glasgow
  7. I was thinking that maybe we are just not announcing new signings due to the fact we cant officially register players until the window opens (or sign them if they are still under contract) and maybe we were waiting till then, then I remembered we had already announced Dempsey signing! Next window opens 9th June so thats probably when a lot of the action will start
  8. Thats a good move for both player and club - hoping he can get back to the form he was in a few years ago, and having him and Tuipolotu as options at 13 is as good as you could hope for really. Looks like we are going to have a good squad next year but be poorly coached
  9. Being positive you would have to assume that both Muirhead and Baird rejecting the new contract is that it was reduced terms as they were seen as being back up next year, hopefully this is a positive sign that we have identified 2 new starting CB
  10. Best we have had in years, still behind Ukraine and Moldova though
  11. Portugal was dreadfully dull, rasmus are not too bad, bring on the moldova
  12. I was thinking maybe someone from New Japan to build something for their joint show
  13. I'll never forget Hamilton away in the League Cup. My first experience of Hoppy Ball. I was shocked that this was what we were in for. Of course we won and I assumed everything was going to be fine... Played Adeloye and McKenzie up front. Salkeld came on at some point. We didn’t score in that game. Sorry got confused had meant the first game at Hamilton, not his last
  14. Did we not have Sakeld up top as well, or did he come off the bench to score?
  15. I seem to remember both him and Thompson got their first pro starts about the same time, and thinking we had 2 really good prospects at stand off and there wasnt much between the 2. Thompson was probably lucky that he managed to get more time. I hope Chamberlain can get a gig somewhere above the level of the super 6 for next season.
  16. Suprised at Chamberlain, he looked a good prospect
  17. Quite enjoyed Georrgia's number there, a BIT different
  18. Are Ukraine not odds on to win? Yes Ukraine heavy favorites, was more commenting that some of the big guns have decent songs this year which is not always the case, I cant actually remember the last time we had a decent entry, typically it comes in a year where we have a slim chance due to Ukraine likely to get the sympathy vote
  19. https://www.bbc.com/sport/rugby-union/61424053 If you read that you wouldnt realise that they actually just announced the Mens WC in USA in 2031
  20. Its all been quite positive so far, however a lot rests on the new signings. If we could get a proper captain material CH that can actually defend then it would go a long way to improving the team.
  21. 2nd Semi final seems a lot weaker, Finland, Georgia and Ireland are OK, with a Serbia, and Czech being ok, and will be interesting to see the stage show of San Marino's stripper! For the final the big guns seem to have pulled out the stops. UK, Germany and Spain all seem quite strong, but Italy look like they dont fancy hosting again
  22. Switzerland, Greece and Portugal were dull so will be getting drinks when they are on. Of hte ones missing out, only really disapointed Austria didnt get through
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