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Posts posted by nsr

  1. I think it's a maximum number of non-European players. A limit on European players wouldn't be legal there either.

    Just checked Wikipedia:

    For the 2006–07 season, the limits on foreign (non-EU) players were lifted, based on a decision of the German Football Association (DFB) and Deutsche Fußball Liga made on 21 December 2005. At the same time, the UEFA local player ruling was introduced. This ruling stipulates, that a certain number of locally produced players must be enrolled at each club. For the 2006–07 season, this was at least four such players, for the 2007–08 season six players and for the 2008–09 season eight such players.

    A locally produced player is a player who, during the age of 15–21 years, was licenced to play for the club for three different seasons or years


  2. It was predictable Sally would argue the history follows the "team in blue shirts". But he's wrong, it's a not in any way shape or form a continuation of Bankrupt FC. It's a brand new team, brand new company crucially WITHOUT 3 years worth of accounts.

    I suspect the limit of Ally's research was a quick Google search on Crystle Palace and Leeds United. A quick scan of a forum somewhere confirmed exaclty what he was wanting to hear. His financial understanding is probably as well developed as his football management skills.

    I'd be genuinely surprised if Ally McCoist could, in fact, read.

  3. Blimey - are these people actually aware that there are genuine reasons why their club is being punished? Do they just blind themselves to it? Or do they genuinely believe Rangers should be allowed to do whatever they want with no consequences?

    It really is incredible that what is purely and simply a business can inspire this kind of blind and unquestioning loyalty (plus, of course, money) from so many people. I know some people say football is their religion but that is scarily close to the truth here.

  4. What really gets on my tits is the way the more braindead element among the Sregnar support (that'd be the majority) are viewing this as some kind of unfair and unjust attack on their club, and handing buckets round as if it's some sort of natural disaster that needs a collection to relieve the suffering. Sregnar FC brought this entirely upon themselves through greed and chasing an impossible dream.

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