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Everything posted by M0rtonfc

  1. I think M0rtonfc will be tuning in for his first TNA watch in a long time
  2. I totally agree that the Batista/Cena talking was one of the best I've watched on RAW in a loooong time but leave it at that, don't have HBK coming out and talking rubbish then HHH bigging him up then have stupid Vince walk out and talk more rubbish on the one show, both of them almost lasted about 35 mins combined, that's poor for people who have paid money to watch wrestling. Raw is just so hit and miss these days, the 2 before that I actually enjoyed then Monday's there for me was back to being shite. SORT IT OUT!!!
  3. I never ever watch or pay attention to TNA, the ring always put me off it but if it's changed to the 4 sided ring then I might need to give it a bash. Sorry if I'm being a total idiot and it's been changed for ages, just never really watched it. Just a question with RAW on Monday, what was the point in giving Jack Swagger and MVP ( Who is stools ) fights that lasted less than 1 minute? Also If I had paid money to go and see that RAW on Monday i would have been raging, fights cut short due to the fact that half the show was people talking on the mic. HBK get tae f**k ya lazy eyed creep.
  4. Sorry if i'm way behind on all the updates on Hogan's changes but just a quick question, will it be a square ring now in TNA?
  5. Last night I had chicken stir fry with a chilli sauce, mehh... Tonight I'm making pasta with muscles and a tomato/garlic sauce, mehh.. Healthy eating sucks baws.
  6. Alright mate,

    Where did you get your flights and hotel?

  7. What did you think of RAW last night? For the 2nd week in a row I actually thought it was not bad, a bit annoyed when Orton's match finished but his RKO's made up for that. Glad DiBiase won his match, He's getting a good run now! The sooner legacy finish the better it has to be said.
  8. In fact ignore that, I'm being a Swampy and never noticed they were all from the xbox.
  9. Gary I'll give you a fiver for 007: Quantum of Solace if you want.
  10. It really is rubbish, you just knew his match with Kane would finish with a count out!
  11. Haha maaaate, for comedy value. I see were your coming from right enough, get me a sick bucket!
  12. I was watching the start of RAW again last night and I have to say I bloody love it when Sheamus is on the mic, can't beat his big accent and they way he says WWE haha. I would love it if he turned up one night with a big tanned body.
  13. The codebreaker is a total ripper I have to say!
  14. I'm bored in work, Currently..... What's your top 3 entrances/songs? 1. Edge 2. CM Punk 3. The Miz ( AWWWWESOME! ) Who are you top 3 WWE wrestlers? 1. DiBiase 2. CM Punk 3. Drew McIntyre Top 3 finishers? 1. RKO 2. Sweet Chin Music 3. Drew McIntyre ( Would you class that as some sort of DDT? ) Again may I add how bored i am.
  15. Yeah I thought of Rey too, his rubbish masks are everywhere. I would be quite surprised if it was the undertaker, I just can't see parents going out and buying a t-shirt that has his big creepy white face on the front or a collection of shiny coffins. I must say I've always like the Randy Orton t-shirt he kicks about in, I could see me crusing about with one of them skin tight badboys on and a pair of speedo's
  16. Apart from Cena and DX who do you think makes the most money from merch and stuff? For some reason I thought about this in the shower this morning, god knows why!
  17. Hahaha DomDom that's brilliant. Sorry if this has been posted before but a belter none the less......
  18. Indeed! Everything about him is shit, even just looking at him without all the ghastly moves he does in the ring, his entrance and his character you just think right away..... How shit is this guy. I know I mentioned it before but I hate that move he does when he ducks then does the splits, surely someone should take him a side and tell him that 1. It's out of time to what is actually going on in the ring and 2. You look like a complete and utter fanny. I honestly can't believe he put a few people out in the Royal Rumble and also had the cheek to win a fight on Smackdown, surely he's not going to be given a push? Apart from a bunch of kids in the crown shouting 'WHATS UP' back at him what else has he got? R TRUTH YOU ARE RUBBISH!!!!!
  19. Hmm not sure about that, surely any man his age would feel like a right tool doing the stuff he was doing with DX.
  20. I have to say RAW this week was one of the best I've watched in a long time, for some reason it never annoyed me as much as it has done recently. I think I'm just a bit chuffed that DX are now over, HHH and HBK are far better on their own, well for my personal viewing anyway. Is it just me who thinks HHH looked so uncomfortable wearing all the DX merch and having to parade back stage and do stuff like a 12 year old? I would love to see HHH turn heel instead of HBK but that's not gonna happen
  21. R-Truth has to be one of the worst wrestlers I have ever witnessed. 1. He is just rubbish in the ring, when he ducks from a punch then does the splits clearly out of time is just laughable. 2. His horrible entrance where he raps that horrific 'WHATS UP' song just makes me turn over the TV right away. 3. His horrible baggy jeans with R Truth down the side are stinking. 4. His finishing move, what finishing move is that? RUBBISH! He is a complete joke, how I hate his face! BOOOO R TRUTH I have to admit I may be jumping in as I did this with CM Punk and was proved wrong as I think Punk is class now but R Truth is just stinking.
  22. What about Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2? It's a PS3 I've got by the way.
  23. Last night I had home made fish and chips and a caramel sponge cake with mackies raspberry ice cream for desert. Tonight the missus is making a shepherds pie, Kiss my face!
  24. The meal at Zizzi's on Friday was class, I had a spicy chicken pasta dish and garlic bread, outstanding. Pork stir fry last night. Tonight will be 2 chicken and ham sanny's that I'll need to grab and eat as I'll be heading down to Greenock for the game right after work.
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