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Everything posted by M0rtonfc

  1. I made chicken, broc and potato pie last night with a side salad! Turned out really really good. Tuna pasta bake with garlic bread the night which will be washed down with 8 bottles of becks I have chilling away.
  2. I just made me and the burd chicked stuffed with black pudding and wrapped in parma ham, home made roast spuds, veg and gravy. Some mackies ice cream after it Wot a feast! I just cracked open a wee sneaky can for a cozy night of tv. DONE!
  3. Hello, Any of you boys looking for a game of 5's tonight? As per we are 1 short! 6:30 k.o at townhead Cheers
  4. Chilli tonight followed by 6 bottles of cold beer for CL football, That will do me after 5's tonight!
  5. I can see where your coming from but I never looked at the Angle Slam the same way I looked at a Rock Bottom, Stunner or even the dreaded Chokeslam! I just looked at it as another move to tire down his challenger! I always looked at it as Angle being a pro wrestler with gold medal etc instead of being a WWE superstar who has the look and finisher to go with it. I think that's the way WWE wanted it to be hence the reason the Angle Slam worked once in a blue moon! Put it this way you would swap old WWE Angle with about half the current WWE superstars that are kicking about just now!
  6. That's so scary that you have posted about this, Yesterday I was bored oot my tits so started watching old Kurt Angle fights, One of them was that no way out fight with the undertaker where he done about 3 angle slams on taker and also got him in about 5 ankle locks and still could not win the match, He ended winning it with a crazy suplex that pined Taker haha! Crazy fight indeed. I was flicking through the channels the other night and I caught the 4 way heavyweight match on TNA, I never watch TNA cause I think it's pretty rubbish but thought I would take this in as the mighty Angle was fighting, I have to saw he looks pretty bad now, I don't like his weight loss! He looked better when he was a bit more stocky. He also had on what I can only describe as a pair of reebok pumps??? Terrible outfit... I would love him to come back to WWE so so much, One of my fave fighters of all time and by far the best intro music of any WWE superstar. DO DO DO DODODO DODO DAAAA RAAAAAA DAAA RAAAAAAA DO DO DODO DO DO
  7. I watched RAW last night as per and I think this may be my last time for a while, some of the stuff in it is now cringe worthy and people like that Hornswaggle guy make me want to throw my TV out the window, how many more times do we need to sit and watch a terible fight for him to pop out under the ring with his stupid wee face!! I'm also sick of John Cena, he is terrible and I really can't believe he is the face of the WWE! DX are shocking too and don't even get me started on the Cena v Orton patter! Only Smackdown from now on I think.
  8. I'm making a pork stir fry tonight with a spicy chilli sauce, love it!! JURASSIC PARK!
  9. You always have pizza I just polished off my indian from last night, chicken tikka chasnay and garlic nan mmmmmmmmmm!
  10. Aye mate fair enough, I think I was being a bit too hard on punk mainly because I don't rate him but he does have some good skills! You do make some valid points, he is good with the crowd and makes no mistakes in the ring but for him to be a champion, I just can't see it! Of course the only reason he got that push was becuase Jeff was leaving and lets face it there is not really anyone else who fits the bill! Taker is back and with Batista going to SD I think Punk will be taking a back seat, hopefully.... A lot of people won't agree with me but I just don't rate him at all, He has nothing that little bit special about him, his ' go to sleep ' is a terrible finisher too. Blaaaahhhhh
  11. I have to agree on the post about WWE " Superstars " being a bit chunky these days, WWE should be pulling guys like Matt Hardy and Kane up and telling them to shape up or ship out, Matt Hardy is a total joke now and it hurts my eyes to watch his fights anymore, he struggles to move about the ring and half of his fights seem to be him doing stinking lazy head locks, he just looks rubbish! I watched RAW the other night to hear the ghastly news that Batista is going to SD, this is horrible news as RAW is stinking just now, I think I'm more annoyed with RAW's story lines and guest hosts these days than I am of their adverts every 10 minutes! I mean how many more times do we need to know that WWE is coming to the UK and Ireland??? On the other hand Bastista going to SD makes very interesting viewing indeed! I can see CM Punk losing his belt at the next big event and simply being pushed aside to make way for the Undertaker/Batista show, I can only hope he is pushed aside, still shocked he still has that belt considering he is terrible! I suppose there is no1 else around at the moment and this whole ' straight edge ' crap keeps the ball rolling. Hurry up and get back Edge!
  12. I just finished reading Gazza " My Story ", I'm not really a massive reader so tend to just read through football autobiography's. I have to say the Gazza one was class, some of the pranks and stuff he tells you about are funny and from his poor youth to being one of the highest paid footballers in the 90's is good to read. It was also interesting reading about how he snubbed Man U and also his time at Lazio and Rangers, also when he battered his wife I never realised that he gave her a full heedbutt and snapped her pinky finger, madness! It was published in 2004 so I'm sure you could add many a chapter onto it now. If your like me and just enjoy reading about footballers then I would suggest you give it a bash, I got it in a charity shop for £1.50, money well spent
  13. I won 46 bucks last night from a 3 bucks bet on 9 teams, cashed in 45 and played roulette with the 1 nugget, got that up to 3.80 and stuck on 3 draws... Falkirk v Hibs Hamilton v Aberdeen West Ha v Spurs Returns - 137.56 Good times
  14. Anyone got any links to classic wwf/wwe fights?
  15. Is it just me or has anyone came close to throwing the tv out the window due to the constant adverts every 5 minutes about RAW and SD coming to the UK. AAAARRRGGHHH!! Does my tits in
  16. After a few weeks of losing last min goals at last something came in.... £15 on Blackburn Rangers Morton Returned £85 IM A PC!
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