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Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth

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Posts posted by Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth

  1. Bump

    I shat in a urinal once at high school. I was in 5th or 6th Year at the time and had quite a good reputation in the school so was never a suspect. Some wee first year got the blame and they all started having to carry wee toilet cards anytime they went during class so it got recorded who went and when.

    Got reminded of that one earlier.

  2. I paid for it. Gives me an excuse not have to suffer the usual Saturday night TV pish in the living room. Been watching all the boxing going recently. Rediscovering a passion that sort of diminished over the years.


    WIll Taylor likely fight that Martin bloke in America then?

  3. Some of them take it too far. I've been moaned the face off of a few times for no going when there's been a good football game on that night .  It's their whole life some of these c***s.

    but I've found a couple.of meetings I'm comfortable in and I press on.

  4. That fuckin Ultimate Fighter Final did the same thing with me. Fucking Charlatans

    Only really the main event to care about tonight. Hopefully Brock Lesnar gets the winner. 

    That right there was God awful. Ngannu looked petrified 

  5. I have to say with regards to AA it.really is doing a great job for me so far. I've been going for 4 months and not touched a drink since March 10th (which anyone who knows me will tell you is a miracle).  

    I'm not full on in the program yet as I haven't found a sponsor that I definitely want to go.through it with yet. The 2 guys that were taking me about.get on my nerves a bit but it is what it is.

    i particularly enjoy the meditation side of if. I think that is a good .thing.for anyone who is going through a hard time to try. Working well for me.

    DA - I've done similar shite like that myself mate.  The way I see it is there is a reason we are still alive. There's something out there looking out for us.

  6. Just got this email. What do we reckon? Onee of these money laundering scams.

    Having seen your CV on totaljobs.com.

    I'm happy to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of Meannan Bernard. This offer is contingent upon your passing our mandatory background check, I'm sure you shouldn't have a problem with that.

    Title: Financial Support Agent.
    Job Description: You'll be submitting and receiving funds from our clients, insuring that every transaction executed in timely manner.

    Base Salary: Will be paid in bi-monthly installments of 1,500 pounds, which is equivalent to 27000 pounds on an annual basis, plus commission for each completed transaction.

    Bonus Potential: Effective upon satisfactory completion of the first 30 days of employment, and based upon the goals and objectives agreed to in the performance development planning process with your manager, you may be eligible for a bonus. The bonus plan for this year and beyond, should such a plan exist, will be based on the formula determined by the company for that year. Additionally, we have bonus for teamwork and “Extra mile bonus”.

    Benefits: health, life, disability and dental insurance coverage are available after successful completion of 30 days of probationary period. Employee contribution to payment for benefit plans is determined annually.

    Thank You,
    Meannan Bernard
    Recruitment Manager

  7. Might give that a bash.

    Things looking up a bit. Got a job offer today. Just call centre stuff but its a start. Taking a step back to take 2 forward I like to think of it.

    I still feel shite sometimes but not quite as bad. Money worries and feelings of uselessness still exist but should subside when I get up and running. Tablets coupled with not drinking much definetely helping.

    I've came to the conclusion that it was without a doubt the job I was in that made me as bad as I was (I know it somewhat existed before that but nowhere near as bad). When I think of all the shit I took, I feel angry with myself for accepting it (used to be a hardman you know lol).

    See how I go eh.

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