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Everything posted by Supras

  1. Supras

    South Park

    South Park is a show that has evolved immensely in the past few years. There are still some misses, but plenty more hits so far this season. I thought Go Fund Yourself was an excellent episode. The Chicken card game episode - less so.
  2. St. Mirren duvet I bought a Botafogo towel once, does that count?
  3. Well, the St. Johnstone poster seems to be admitting he's a fanboy. As for me - I think Ronaldo is better currently, and I think that over the years they have both had periods of top. I've no doubt they've both pushed each other to greater heights - and that they both greatly dislike each other. All makes for a good spectacle to be honest. They're the two best players ever.
  4. You probably know this, but it's a terrible method for studying or doing an assignment. Whenever I did exams, the one thing I would never cut back on was sleep - you should sleep as much as you can. It's vitally important for preparing your mind to study. There is a plethora of research to back this up as well, drunk people actually perform better than sleep deprived people. During my marathon honours year I slept to around 10:30am, went to study at 12:00 noon and came back around 9:30-10:00pm. Not feasible to everyone, obviously, but the point is don't sacrifice sleep for more study.
  5. Yes, I remember you saying that, and I also remember laughing at such an instruction and informing that I would break such an order, whenever I feel like doing so. It appears to have you positively riled - to the extent you are posting lies about me on irrelevant threads. I'm going to have some fun with this one,I think. I encourage everyone to go and see Dee Mans thoughts on this disgraceful women, who had the temerity to be a victim of a rape. He's even making up accusations about messages she apparently sent. It's truly sickening stuff. I'm surprised P&B hasn't banned him yet. Here's the scoop - if "Dee Man" hadn't come into this thread posting lies, I would never have even read this thread. You're talking to the wrong person then, chump.
  6. So you're a fanboy then? Okay Do you have posters of "CR7" on your wall? How about his brand duvet? It's all a bit weird tbh.
  7. This didn't happen, though, at all. My post was quite clear on what I meant, not once did I suggest Hartley would leave Dundee for St. Mirren - please do not lie so blatantly in future. Also, if anyone is interested, please go to the Ched Evans thread to see what Dee Man thinks about women. You will never want to agree with him, on anything, ever again. What a disturbed individual.
  8. Tity taty movement? What the hell is that? Messis' game has evolved, he is a lethal finisher, usually needs two touches or less in the box with his left foot.
  9. Do you think Messi has ever been better with Ronaldo? You accuse everyone else of being a fanboy, it looks like you're the most blatant on this thread.... Obviously, Ronaldo started playing in La Liga at a very different stage in his career to Messi - as you well know.
  10. Garscube 6s - serious business. I think it's about 3 years since I played in it. We were quite good and got to the final once but had nae players cause everyone was at exams (including myself). Also got a ringer from my school who wasn't at the uni (and wasn't a member of the uni gym which was a requirement) but was an excellent player. Felt good when we beat the Glasgow Uni football team who ran the league
  11. The number of steps is commensurate to the number of applicants, and in some cases, the employers perceived sense of its own importance. McKinsey and Goldman Sachs make you go through a crazy amount of interviews, although the extent to which this is finding the right candidate, or just reinforcing the perception of elitism, is up for significant debate. I think for my job there was something stupid like 300 applicants for one position. Going through a long process is better than just sticking a pin in the wall.
  12. Nae a good time. Oil price is tanking. The Adli graduate scheme is infamous. The more you look into it, the less you want to apply. Although it's following a formula that Accountancy Firms, Consultancies, Law Firms and Banks have been using for decades. Get smart people (or at least people showing good potential) work them extremely hard and pay them comparatively very little, certainly a lot less than what they are contributing. In the case of most, and Aldi especially, this is combined with a pretty ruthless up or out policy to keep everyone in line. I had an interview with a company that does the same thing, their "joke" in the assessment centre was that some of our consultants thought they wouldn't be working weekends... Of course, not only do older workers cost a lot more, they're also far less willing to take the culture and atmosphere such firms force on their young workers. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. Although I'm pretty sure you've made this point before, probably on this thread. Have you ever considered maybe they are just people looking for jobs, and they are not inherently worse than every other jobseeker on the planet? The odds are enormously stacked against graduates these days, I'm not surprised they make the application process so onerous, but those who try to better themselves should hardly be derided.
  13. Oooft, what an absolute disaster this poster has had. We won't be seeing him for a while.
  14. You complete lack of understanding of British history saddens me, Do the Southern Irish want to disown the Irish team they were uh, a significant part of, for about 100 years?
  15. Excellent. Scotland exert their footballing dominance over Southern Ireland yet again. Just like we have done for the last century and a half. Carl Cort hasn't been this seething since Balotelli brushed past Cahill to score the winner against England in the World Cup. Pleasing.
  16. Lex has stated repeatedly he isn't interested in the Scottish national side, or even actively dislikes them. Given this, I'm not surprised he is pushing for Mulgrew to start ahead of Robertson at full back. Delighted that McCarthy is out of this game. Hope McGeady follows them. Hardly fair to use Scottish players against us.
  17. I don't live in Aberdeen any more. And it's hardly fair comparing it to where I currently am.... Anyway, yes, average shopping is more expensive. Bars are certainly more expensive. It's not prohibitive, considering I earned a lot more in Aberdeen, but for a student I imagine it would be. I eventually got a good deal on spareroom, but when you're working and looking for a property canvassing the compass isn't exactly an option. We can have differing opinions, but especially if you do an Engineering degree (and are likely ending up in Aberdeen anywhere) experience somewhere else when you get the chance. Also, provided I'm still young enough, if I ever return to Aberdeen might take a week off for freshers week. I do miss the mid week sesh. Unfortunately, even if I pass as young enough the company I keep probably won't.
  18. Also, if he's looking for some adventure places like Denmark and the Netherlands offer University, in English, for very reasonable tuition fees. Might be worth a look. Kids straight out of school usually don't have the guts for it, I'm pretty sure I didn't.
  19. Aberdeen as a city is simply as more expensive. Bars are more expensive. Food is more expensive. Shopping is more expensive. Hell mend you buying a car in Aberdeen. And yes, rent is significantly more expensive than, say Glasgow, any shared property you get in Aberdeen will be a lot worse than one for the same price in Glasgow. And of course properties will require more heating. Also worst one bed flat in Rosemount is >£500 for rent alone, with single glazed windows, and no chance of a student getting it anyway. As I said, I quite like Aberdeen, and the nightlife is decent, but it will lose in any comparison to Glasgow or Edinburgh on this front. It might just be my student in Glasgow vs. work in Aberdeen bias, but most people would come to the same conclusion. Oh, and it's full of men. The city and the clubs. And you definitely don't want to take the booze train back to the central belt on a Friday. Good place to work, because of the wages and quality of life, but as a student stick to someone cheap with plenty of dank (Glasgow). Don't visit - you sound dangerously uncool.
  20. I don't dislike Aberdeen, but do disagree with every statement here. And decent train links? There is one train station, if you want decent train links, look at the Glasgow area where there is hundreds and you can travel the city by train / subway. In Aberdeen it's walking or taking a horribly overpriced bus. You've misled us Romeo. But as pointed out, the ultimate P&B twist is that it will turn out he's not your son at all, and he's going to live with The Pheonix for education of a very different kind.
  21. Someone from my school paid tens of thousands in fees to go to, wait for it, Newcastle Unless it's as specifically highly regarded University he should definitely stay in Scotland. Definitely, to use the specific example of Deloitte and auditors they specifically state they will accept any degree, and ostensibly you have as much chance with a history degree as an accounting or business administration degree. They don't just want to hire a bunch of loser accountants (who set up a hilarious, riotous finance and accounting club at university) they want to hire normal people and turn them into loser accountants. As for the question itself, you can surely strike Aberdeen off the list? It's incredibly expensive and far less entertaining than pretty much anywhere else. Great place for looking for jobs, but as a student? Not even remotely. I'd recommend he goes to Edinburgh (objectively the best in Scotland), with the second choice of Glasgow. I actually briefly studied history at university because I was really enjoyed it at school, but soon dropped it as it got far less interesting at Uni. Bizarrely, we had two one semester courses, one covering 800-1500 and the other covering 1500-2000. Learned in 12 one hour lectures and 7 one hour seminars A positive in going to Glasgow is that, you can take History and English in your first year (as well as one other course) and ditch History and English when you catch onto how boring they are. One of my friends was actually president of the Glasgow Uni history club. Were they more interesting than the finance and accounting club? Probably not. Anyway, Edinburgh - Glasgow - Strathclyde - Dundee. Confess I know nothing about Stirling and have only heard bad things about St. Andrews.
  22. You'll never get as cheap a gym as that again. It's excellent value when you're a student - I almost won a free year in a pool tournament once.....somehow....and was knocked out in the final when I came across someone who had played pool before. I actually stopped organising it because nobody was paying. That's what you get with a team full of skint law students.
  23. You can get a bus from the West End or car pool (surely someone has a car). I actually used to play it, it was really good value something like £40 for half a season for the whole team.
  24. I've heard from others that the better the name, the worse the course. Pirates and Terrorists* from Honours politics being a cited example. But given the structure of Glasgow Uni you can bash for just about any nonsense to make up the credits in second year. I'd plump for Film and TV studies or such.
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