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Posts posted by ginge123

  1. Sorry for the double post but:

    A sequel to the Daredevil film is in development, and is expected to use the "Born Again" storyline. Director Mark Steven Johnson showed interest in returning to direct with the "Born Again" storyline. Michael Clarke Duncan stated strong interest in reprising his role as the Kingpin. Johnson stated that villains Mr. Fear or The Owl are strong possibilities to appear for the sequel.[1]

    In March 2011, Variety reported that David Slade would direct a Daredevil reboot.[2] In June 2011, it was reported that Fringe writer Brad Caleb Kane would be adapting the "Born Again" storyline for the film.[3]

    That kind of sends out mixed signals as to whether it's a reboot or sequel.

  2. I hope it's not going to be a direct sequel to the last Daredevil film. It was actually Born Again i meant not Reborn.

    EDIT: Just looked it up there, I must have confused you because it is Born Again that's getting the film.

    Further EDIT: It seems like a strange place to start a reboot, if that's what it is, it kind of plants you in the middle of a story. Why not do one of the older ones and then do Born Again?

  3. I don't get why they don't just give him a manager until his charisma is better. To be fair to the guy though, he's spent nearly 12 years on the indies where his lack of charisma wasn't a problem because of how good a wrestler he was, now that he's had his wrestling wings clipped a little he's having to rely on his not-so-great charisma. It'll come to him eventually I reckon.

    EDIT: When I say manager I don't mean AJ though. I mean a proper manager who can talk for him.

  4. Smackdown has gone downhill ever since Bryan won the WHC.

    His storyline with the Big Show/AJ has been absolutely dreadful and this vegan "i'm better than you" persona is a piss poor rip off CM Punk's "i don't drink, smoke or do drugs" character, which actually struck a nerve with the audience because Punk is good on the mic, whereas Bryan is just dull.

    He's a decent worker, yet he doesn't have any charisma nor have the look of a WWE/WHC Champion.

    I was pretty critical of it at the start but I think it's been one of the better parts of the show recently. I'd also say he's a bit better than a "decent" worker.

  5. For some reason Sheamus just doesn't interest me. I know he's highly regarded but I can't seem to get myself "excited" for anything involving him. I've no idea why though.

    EDIT: Incidentally, if the 'Mania match was Sheamus - Bryan - Orton for the WHC I think it would be a great match.

  6. Medical?! Would explain it. Gonna have to look that up. I think even as a wrestler, he needs far too much work. I WANT to see him on the indies. He fits so well there.

    I think he mentioned it on AOW actually. His WWE stuff was delayed because of increased testosterone/epitestoterone, they're natural steroids but I'm not sure if that would be to do with his weight/build issues.

  7. Hero can't sustain a certain build either, which is just fucking weird actually.

    That might be to do with his health problems that he apparently has. It's something I've read that he's struggled with his whole life and it's why he used to wear the vest when he was wrestling.

  8. On a WWE note now, does anyone else hope that Hero is kept away from Claudio? Claudio is apparently destined to go somewhere and Hero and his indyriffic... well... everything is certainly going to hold him back. I know the initial plan was for KoW to be there, but Claudio going in early should be a blessing in disguise for him. Chris Hero will also go back to the indies, where he is fairly good as his style is suited.

    I don't think Hero will make it out of developmental. I haven't seen that much of Chris Hero as a singles wrestler so I can't really comment on that as being a stumbling block but his size is going to hold him back I reckon. Claudio is a built guy, Hero really isn't and to guys like Vince that's going to be a potential problem. Hero actually looks "tubby" in his FCW pictures.


    Can anyone recommend any good wwe podcasts?

    Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling is all anyone ever needs.

    Really it depends what kind of thing you're looking to get from it, are you looking for "insider dirt"? Is it interviews with past/present guys? Are you looking for discussion about that weeks shows? Those kind of things. Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez get shat over in some corners of the IWC but the observer podcasts can be pretty decent. WrestleCast from The Sun can be ok for interviews, I think they kind of fawn over TNA a bit too much sometimes but it's maybe a bit subjective. Wrestling Roundtable is good if you want to hear about some of the more historical stuff as it's mostly guys just sitting around shooting the shit.

    If you haven't checked out the Art of Wrestling though I would recommend it. Domino's, of Deuce and Domino fame, two appearances have been literally the funniest podcast episodes I've ever heard. Avoid Tommy Dreamer and Rhino though, they were so boring it was unbelievable.

  9. Well to be honest, they haven't been on TV enough to say wether they are bad or not. There matches have always been pretty ok I thought.

    They've been on TV for 2 years in May, that's a pretty decent amount of time to makea judgement. I thought this time last year they were awful.

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