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Posts posted by Piehutt

  1. Also - remember years ago my mum got a new car and was working nightshift.

    She kept coming in moaning that the clock was broke, and could I look at it. It's always at 1025, can you set it for me etc etc.

    Didn't really bother but one time she was giving me a lift somewhere and pointed it out.

    'Look - 1025 the clock says' she points out.

    'Mum, you're listening to Radio Clyde which is 102.5 FM! That's no the time!?!?'

  2. Was once out for a drive with an old girlfriend.

    Went over the Erskine bridge and down to Balloch. 'There's Loch Lomond' I pointed out, helpfully.

    'No, is that not miles away?' She asked.

    'Nope, that's definately it there'

    'Really?' she asked 'So that's where the Loch Ness monster is?'

    I hesitated... looked round at her to see if she was joking. 'No... that would be Loch NESS.'

    Think I had to stop the car to roll about laughing for 5 minutes.

  3. Really disappointing to see Muzza lose to Wawvrinka.

    Another one slips by.

    However given the scheduling - I don't think victory was all that likely for Murray this week, even if he had got to the business end of the event. He was totally screwed starting on Wed, when others in the draw had started from Monday giving them a full 2 days more to play their 7 matches.

    Especially with the Sat Semi and Sunday final that the US Open have, totally knocking the credibility of the event.

    So to Australia...

  4. If we want to move to trying to get a 7's game organised, I'd tout Scotstoun, but only because it's a 10 minute walk away :lol:

    To be honest though, the reason I like 5's is because you're always involved and the game goes from one end to another in an instant. With 7's, you spend a lot more time doing not very much, and thet certainly isn't good for graft levels.

    I would also be happy with playing at Scotstoun, for similar reasons.

    Even trying to get another game organised? Say for a thursday night?

    I don't mind 7s, but there is a lot more running about for less of the ball.

  5. We've clearly got plenty of bodies for next Monday with staggy4life in, piehutt and SoapMacTavish as new regulars, Shakey and myself are back from injury plus the generic non P&bers and stragglers from the site.

    Can we get next weeks booked tonight to see if we can get an earlier KO?

    Aye do this!

    Half 8 would be good, but 9 is def fine.

  6. Venue -

    Powerleague, Kennedy Street, G4 0PQ? - That's the place.

    Time -

    9pm? - Either 9pm or 9.30pm, still waiting to hear from Sir Kevin.

    Surface -

    Outdoors, Astro? - Outdoors. One of theose 3g pitches.

    Cost -

    About a fiver? - £5.20.

    Shin Guards -

    Hope not? - Some people do, I don't bother though, 'cos I'm hard as f**k.

    Pitch -

    Let me know as I won't know anyone. - We all normally meet in the changing rooms about five/ten minutes before KO, so if you are wearing a distinctive top (or a red rose, either is fine) then we shall make ourselves known.


    My name is Grant, but also answer to 'piehutt' and 'haw you!'

  7. Can I just check some details?

    Venue -

    Powerleague, Kennedy Street, G4 0PQ?

    Time -


    Surface -

    Outdoors, Astro?

    Cost -

    About a fiver?

    Shin Guards -

    Hope not?

    Pitch -

    Let me know as I won't know anyone.

    I'll wear my magnificent flourescent yellow Morton away top from the 90's. I'm sure no one else will have this.

  8. GA 5's qualification criteria

    Do you like football?

    Are you good at football?

    Does sectarian banter offend you?

    Do jokes about sex offenders offend you?

    Have you ever watched Taggart?

    Answer yes to any question and you can't play.

    I would like to play, if there are spaces available.

    Let me know via pm. Should be able to play every week.

  9. What an absolute joke of themselves the SFL have made.

    Ok... Livingston are hardly in a great position but with only a few days to go before the start of the season the League should have just assumed we had already played a game in this season.

    Hence a points deduction is the only sensible and sane sanction!!

    What kind of precedent are the league setting! They could ask all member clubs to find that kind of money at 3 days notice and I bet not one club could stump up the cash.

    I reckon in the future the league will not continue with this precedent when they realise in the cold light of day how much they have shafted one club and caused a total mess for all other clubs.

    Why are division 1 clubs more important than division 3 clubs? One member one vote. We can't risk division 1 clubs losing out on fixtures, but division 3? Pah... we don't care about them.

    What a total farce of an organisation the SFL are. Making up the rules as they go along... as per usual.

  10. Sorry to all the Livy fans. Not nice to see a club being run down by a muppet like this.

    Obviously to a lot of provicial football fans Livy were always a bit of a franchise club. Came into a bit of cash, bought their way through the leagues and despite a good bit of success, never harnassed the hard core support that other problem clubs had (PT, Falkirk, St Mirren, Morton etc).

    Ultimately when these clubs had trouble (self inflcited or not), they had a big enough support to keep things ticking over and crucially find a wealthy fan or consortium who was able to buy the club.

    Also, I guess the timing of this couldn't have been worse with 18 months of recession I guess the chances of a wealthy fan having shedloads of cash to throw at a 'hobby' is even lower.

  11. Collingwood has just got a 4 match ban for slow over rate.

    About time too.

    That is a real shocker. They are making an example of him, and I think many more bans will take place over this issue if they really are clamping down on it.

    However... would be funny if they kept their slow over rate up and Peitersen got banned!!

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