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Posts posted by loyal-blue

  1. Probably missing something simple here, but when choosing a team at the start of the game, there must be a way to see the club details?

    In previous versions you could see a media prediction for example, how can I get that in the new version?

  2. I love the Network. The quality is brilliant and there is loads of good stuff there. 

    However, I am a bit tired of staying a month behind, as it means I keep 'spoilering' things for myself inadvertently.

    Is there any way (apart from a Sky subscription) to watch episodes sooner than a month after the events?

    If possible, it would be great to have something that is as simple as putting it on the PlayStation as that is so simple.

    I do have access to Sky Go but I don't really want to have to stay up late to watch them.

  3. Having been a big fan of wrestling when I was younger, as I'm guessing most were, I completely fell away from it.

    I've always enjoyed the WWE games and recently decided to go for the free trial of the Network to see how it goes.

    With NXT, Smackdown and Raw over the course of a week, what should I be watching?

    My plan is to stay a month behind the shows so that I can watch them all on the Network. Is there a better way to do it?

    What should I be watching from the archived stuff?

    I was planning on watching the Attitude era PPVs at least but should I be watching PPVs from this year to catch up?

    Basically, what should I be watching?

  4. I have to say this is the first game in a long long time that I've genuinely been looking forward to.

    Have been following the leaks and reaction on Reddit and despite an initial outburst of rage things seem to have calmed down now and we're back on track for a good game.

    I think a lot of people have built up an idea of the game will be like in their head based on the little information we have and some will be disappointed.

    Limiting my own expectations just in case...

  5. I think I have a great idea for a Scottish youtube show/channel. If anyone wants the idea (and wants to give me some money if it is successful) then please let me know. You would need a video camera and some friends.

    Its not a gaming idea.

    Go on...

  6. Is it any good?

    I previously played on a good links course, proper club etc but the membership fees weren't as high as the clubs in Aberdeen.

    I don't want to commit too much money to it as I'm just looking at is as a wee hobby for the summer.

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