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Posts posted by .Stuart.

  1. Question for the Ayrshire folk on here, what is Irvine like these days?

    People give it stick because it's a new town and lacks any soul but it's not too bad tbh. Like every town, it has it's bad areas and its good areas. Sure, the town centre is a bit of a dump but the amount of shops for the size of the town (Pop 35,000) is unbeliavable. You also get folk moaning about the amount of junkies running around but name me a town that doesn't have junkies? The only problem I find with Irvine is the lack of things to do at night. No cinemas, bowling alleys... there isn't really anything except shopping or drinking.

  2. just watched 'Juno'. It was an alright film. i bought it because it had that Cera guy in it and he was fuckin hilarious in Superbad. I'd give it a pretty reasonable 6/10

    also downloading 'Outpost'. nazi-zombies? sounds good to me :D

    watched American history X last night. What a stunningly brilliant film 10/10

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