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Everything posted by Sudafed

  1. the jewish population at that time was perhaps 10%, and they co-existed largely peacefully, it it commonly said and several times on this thread that they have been fighting forever and it will never end, this is not true is my point. jews started buying up holy land real estate in the late 19th century but only owned 8% of it as late as 1947.
  2. the current problems between jews and muslims are less than 100 years old, it's a complete lie to say it's been going on for thousands of years as is often spouted in western media outlets, it has not. peace is perfectly possible if both sides want it.
  3. and if anyone does actually watch it you should do that google search for "seven Jewish Americans" that they recommend at the end, it's truly amazing.
  4. anyone doubting the influence of the Jewish/Israeli lobby in US politics should watch this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2894821400057137878
  5. Dark silhouette against silver moon

    astride a broomstick in the gloom;

    soaring over treetops black

    long shawl flying, pointed hat.

    What is title, what is treasure,

    What is reputation's care?

    If we lead a life of pleasure,

    Tis no matter how or where!

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