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Everything posted by KilliePie

  1. A bit of everything I think. It was watching Bound for Glory last year that made me give up on TNA, as much as I hate the guy, turning Jeff Hardy heel was just stupid. I've tried watching Impact a few times since then. There's nothing entertaining on the shows, the promo's are always far too long and pointless, it seems the talent they once had has either left or got worse, the storylines are awful. I think it all comes down to the writers, Dixie, Hogan and Bischoff. The first 3/4 months of last year when they came in were good, and then it just got awful. They clearly know where they want TNA to get to, but havent a clue on how to do it. First thing they need to do is stop spending money on wrestlers that havent brought anything to TNA and not improved the product. Folk like Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, Foley, the old ECW guys and even RVD, even though I like RVD, he just looks like he doesnt care. I find it pathetic that in almost 9 years, TNA have managed to create 2 main eventers, and they're only main eventers when the writers run out of ideas.
  2. 4. A match that is underrated. The Inaugural Brawl - WWF Invasion 2001 5. Your guilty pleasure match. Goldberg vs Kevin Nash - WCW Starrcade 1998 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsTW_vkrbnA&feature=related 6. Wresting character you feel you are most like (or wish you were). Shane McMahon. One of my favourite wrestling characters who also had awesome matches and would take some stupid bumps. Also, wouldnt mind his money 7. Your favourite tag team. Edge & Christian. Had some awesome matches with everyone and were both really good on the mic and entertaining. Back 10/11 years ago when first getting into wrestling and my only knowledge of it coming from WWF Smackdown 2 on ps1 I would probably have said Too Cool.
  3. I dont really want it to go out of business. It's just so unwatchable these days it might as well be. Dont get me wrong, I want it to do well and always have, its just they've made so many mistakes with it, it kinda doesnt deserve to do well. See thats what TNA needs to master, its rotten and unwatchable. WCW, even when rotten, was still watchable.
  4. Felt right old when I realised the other day that its 10 years since Vince bought WCW and Wrestlemania 17 happened. Weird that there's still articles online about the sale when it happened like this one. Doesnt seem like WCW has even finished at all mind with most of the old roster still working for TNA. I cant wait till TNA gets bought or closes. Because nobody but the retards in the impact zone will care.
  5. I've been meaning to say the exact same thing on here for a few days now. It is a great watch, some great stories on there. Easily one of the best WWE DVD's theres been. I only downloaded the main documentary part since I already have most of the extras on my hard drive. Dunno if its actually out over here yet but if or when it does come out, everyone needs to get it or download it!
  6. He did indeed but it wasnt the main event. Reason Taker - Dudleys went on last was cause Taker buried his Da' in cement and killed him. Thankfully his dad got better and returned last year.
  7. They already had a fued in 2001 when Christian turned on Edge and joined the Alliance. Although they (the WWE) would probably rather you forget that, just like Taker vs Triple H has never happened 2004 Great American Bash vs The Undertaker
  8. New title? Edit: Could see that coming. Here comes Cena I bet.
  9. I was one of the few who loved him back then too
  10. Just me or is it quite bad that the match with the best storyline and build up at Mania is for Cole vs Lawler? Been the longest build up too.
  11. Who's Cole gonna role out this week. The Kat?
  12. Even at home he still dresses like a fanny.
  13. Eh? lol. I seen it on twitter that someone had noticed and found it quite funny. Would make more sense than throwing Kofi and Christian in there with Kane and Show. I think they'll add Christian to the World Title match to make it a triple threat and everyone else on the roster will be in a Battle Royal, they should make it one of them breakthrough battle royal where the winner should become number 1 conterder for the title of there choosing or summit. Than have Kofi or Drew etc win.
  14. Anyone notice Orton was wearing trousers during that interview beside his bus, been years since he wore trousers on tv
  15. Aye, was confirmed few months ago, tonights the debut episode in the states. Thats the reason he didnae come back for Mania, cause of the money from the dancin'.
  16. Cole came out dressed as JR. Triple H promo about ending the streak. DiBiase came out to make something happen for himself, he got pedigreed through the table and nobody cared. Sheamus beat Bourne in a few minutes, Bryan challenged Sheamus for Mania, Sheamus accepted by kicking him in the face.
  17. Since Michael Cole advertised his twitter earlier he has went from about 400 followers to 4808 He's just tweeted to say he has another exclusive for Lawler tonight. That bus is well gettin' done in or painted the night by Punk.
  18. Sheamus vs Bryan now official for Mania it would seem. Doubt it'll be better than their Raw match last week, simply cause they wont get the time at Mania. Anyone else notice that the Wrestlemania Rewind match they advertised there, hasnt actually taken place at Mania, it was a triple threat with Kurt Angle in it, and it was shite at that.
  19. Day 4 Underrated Match - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-rNh1C0Eww
  20. 1. Your first wrestling video game. 2. Your favourite wrestling DVD. 3. A wrestler that is underrated.
  21. f**k sake. My weekly game with mates is at 9pm on Monday nights at Shoot in Ayr. If only you's played another night
  22. Here calm doon you , I never said I was in for the next game. Where is it and when is it you's play anyway?
  23. Where and when do you's play? I'd be interested in playing if numbers allowed sometime, but whats the standard like? I play 5's weekly with mates and I'm pish but cause I'm a big b*****d I just stay back and throw fat arse in front of every shot possible. I am getting better and better at defending each week mind, just dont get me to go up front or try anything as daring as trying to get by someone though I just try win the ball and then give it to the more skillful players to do the job of scoring.
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