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Bert Raccoon

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Posts posted by Bert Raccoon

  1. My Grandpa died when I was around three so never really knew him. My mum and gran often talked about his time in the war though, he was in the Commandos and they were caught and held in a POW camp for some time and he really was never the same after. 

    Got a shit tonne of medals though so swings and roundabouts 

  2. 7 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

    I dislike how often I want to die.

    Don't worry, I don't feel that way at the moment! It isn't even that frequent, it just pops up every so often when it contacts one of my numerous failures, such as "no kids" and/or "no partner" and/or "no future", and/or "no degree" and/or all the fucking rest.

    I think I posted a few years ago saying something similar, I felt life had passed me by when I saw all my mates married, kids and all that while I was a drunk spending my weekends in the pub thinking I was still in my 20s when I was actually 40 years old. Then I met someone who genuinely changed my life. Now I'm engaged, got my own gaff and looking forward to the future.

    I'm not bragging but what I am saying is it's never too late. Firstly learn to love yourself or at least be comfortable with it then get out there and meet somone (if that's what you want to do) it's an absolute cliché but there is someone for everyone and you seem like an absolute top bloke. I'm sure you could meet a lovely lassie. Get out there and give it a try, you will fail and will meet some horrible people but you just never know, you may just meet that one person that changes your life forever. Stay strong my man.

  3. 13 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    I started watching a 'documentary' on Channel 4, The Nevermets and have stuck it for two episodes.  It's about people who are in long-distance, online relationships with people they have never met.  The first couple of episodes have focused on three relationships - Jay is a 17 year old English lad who is in a long-term LDR (long distance relationship) with a 27 year old Indian Veena.  They met on a Game of Thrones forum where they bonded over his fan fiction and exchanged romantic messages until it came out he was only 15.  She was undetered and he is now going away from his parents for the first time to meet her, and her family.

    The second couple is a 38 year old English woman Sarah and her 27 year old Filipino boyfriend Jgoy.  She seems positive but with some reservations after having relationship problems in the past and not liking aspects of Jgoy's lifestyle, going out with his mates etc.  Sarah is going to travel to Jgoy's home in the Phillipines for a visit.

    The third couple is a Nigerian-British young woman, 25 year old Dumebi.  She is looking forward to a meeting with her prospective beau Mazi in Dubai.  He works in various high flying jobs, posts social media videos of himself handing over large cash gifts at weddings but when they had previously arranged to meet he didn't show.  

    The Guardian review sums it up nicely 

    Every couple has massive issues and are clearly mismatched, in rather tragic ways.  Jay is a gangly, gormless 17 year old, a nice lad but when he walks into the full Indian extended family wedding planning session just as he gets off a 12 hour flight and meets his 'girlfriend' and is clearly massively freaked out.  He is extremely unworldy - he can't eat the traditional Indian food he is given when he arrives, he confesses he's never even had an Indian takeaway and has to order a McDOnalds to get something to eat.  Veena's relatives are liteally measuring them up for a wedding, it's clear that he is not ready.  Her family even make homemade chicken dippers and fish fingers for him to make him feel at home.

    Sarah and Jgoy are probably the most awkward of the couples.  She refers to her difficulty trusting partners and is clearly uncomfortable with the physical attention she gets from Jgoy as soon as she arrives.  He obviously thinks he is being a loving partner by touching her, having his arm round her, kissing her but she finds it too much.  It's a clear indiciation of the limits of online only interaction - if they had met physically they'd be able to build it up slowly and feel each other out (steady!) but she lands after a 14 hour flight and has this younger guy all over her like a 1970s BBC presenter.  Later, it gets worse as he tries to get her to wear revealing clothing she doesn't want to and then he and his mate have utterly cringe inducing 'banter' at a meal.  Forget generational, geographic, cultural, language barriers, their chat is truly awful and I can't imagine a bigger woman-repellent.  I can't repeat it on here, a family site, but it's awful.  She is clearly horrified and as the episode ends is preparing to scarper from his flat to a hotel.

    Dumebi has a lovely family, who are clearly protective of her and looking out for her.  Her mother and sisters are all very supportive but fair in warning her of the risks.  She ends up being stood up again by her man, who absolutely clearly is a scammer or is married with a load of kids.  It's a shame as Dumebi seems like a nice person and is absolutely beautiful, I find it hard to believe she can't find a partner in day-to-day life.  What a shame.

    As the Guardian review says it's a superficially interesting programme that just depressingly reveals most of the cliched things that we all kind of know are true to don't want to believe - older women aren't as horny as 20 something men and don't want them slobbering all over them; if a man lives in Dubai and flashes cash on social media he's probably a huckster.  The Jay and Veena couple is probably the first time in history an older woman from abroad has tried to groom an underage British guy and the whole thing is very weird but the guy is a wee laddie and the whole thing is odd.  Veena seems like a bit of a go-getter, has a good job, independent streak in her and Jay comes across like his parents stopped wiping his arse about two weeks ago.

    Overall, I felt a bit sad for the participants watching it and angry at myself for watching it expecting something different.  Can't wait for episode three!

    No much point watchin it now tbh 

  4. 17 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Man, how good was this?! Crowd were so hot for Hangman.


    The Hangman story to his title win is the best AEW have ever done and one of the best in wrestling ever.

    The pop here when he enters:


    The entire character arc and build to his title win was genuinely moving and emotional. It was perfectly done and perfectly paced. Him doubting himself, the drinking, the 'anxious millenial cowboy' stuff, the support of the Dark Order, getting his confidence back, apologising to the Bucks, throwing down, the Bucks nodding to do it at the end of the match; just glorious storytelling.

    Not ashamed to admit to a tear when he won the belt.


    Couldn't agree more. The story, the subtle nods, the character build and the final payoff. As close to perfection as you'll get in wrestling 

  5. 1 hour ago, Spyro said:

    I haven't shopped in Tesco ever since they made different prices for club card customers. I'd rather buy my shopping without being bombarded with advertising nonsense and having to share all my details to whoever they decide to sell them to

    If it means I get 50p off my Meal Deal then I couldn't give a shit if they know I like Sugar Free Red Bull and a Cesar Wrap tbh 

  6. 8 hours ago, Spyro said:

    Aye, their direct debit bounced so the numbers didn't go on that week. Save ya the click lol

    From what I read though, they would've had plenty of warning the DD didn't go through

    So basically it would be like me walking to the shop on a Saturday to get my weekly ticket, realising I'm skint so don't buy a ticket then my numbers come up so I decide to somehow be the victim of the piece? f**k them 

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