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Bert Raccoon

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Status Updates posted by Bert Raccoon

  1. Ladybug Guy is in da house!

  2. Accies vs Airdrie, pile of pish so far.

  3. Off into town for a few beers then Solid for dinner.

  4. Off to the pub before Accies vs The Well.

  5. I might have shite hair but I'm not going bald like that cunto.

  6. A few hours of work, pub for an hour, chippy for dinner then down to Colin and Sharon's house warming. Should be a good night.

  7. Although it's great that The Rangers have been voted into Division 3, there's no way that's actually where they'll be playing next year. The vote was ultimately pointless.

  8. So it'll be the first division that Sevco will be playing in next season. This game is rotten to the core.

  9. What a team. Brilliant final.

  10. How on earth can Rangers be relegated when they don't exist? 3rd Division or nothing.

  11. Just ate the largest Calzone know to man.

  12. Time to catch up with the weekends football.

  13. Tim Minchin is outstanding live.

  14. Finished for five days and it's Rockness tomorrow!

  15. The next three days of work can't finish soon enough.

  16. This time next week we'll be on the bus to Rockness! Cannot wait.

  17. 40 cans of Tennents purchased for Rockness!

  18. Out the back in the camping chair, tunes on, shoes off, beer in hand.

  19. Breakfast then down Strathy with a Cargo!

  20. Weather like this makes me want to be sitting in a field with an ice cold beer. Roll on Rockness.

  21. At least the Hibs fans will be home before the final whistle.

  22. The first festival I ever went to was T In The Park 98 and The Beastie Boys absolutely nailed it. RIP MCA

  23. Flat tidied, now time for a pint.

    1. Savage Henry

      Savage Henry

      I'm going to go for a pint as well. Just for the hell of it. No better kind of pint, if you ask me. Except for the pint you really, really need on a hot day.

    2. Bert Raccoon

      Bert Raccoon

      The best pints are the unplanned ones.

    3. Mak


      Hope you enjoyed your pint, Bert.

  24. Seven more hours of work then I'm on holiday!

    1. Mak


      Have a good holiday, Bert.

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