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Bert Raccoon

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Status Updates posted by Bert Raccoon

  1. Friday The 13th marathon! Must have time for the first three at least.

  2. Back to work. These long shifts are killing me. Time for some coffee me thinks.

  3. The obliglitory "I'm in the airport having a pint" post.

  4. Just ate the largest Calzone know to man.

  5. Time to catch up with the weekends football.

  6. Tim Minchin is outstanding live.

  7. At least the Hibs fans will be home before the final whistle.

  8. Three more hours of work then I'm off the The Vaults for a cold pint of Tennents.

  9. Six hour shift then off to the pub.

  10. Just watched a bit of The Secret Policeman's Ball. Beavis and Butthead into Mumford and Sons? What kind of world am I living in?

  11. Sportsman's dinner tonight. Always a good laugh.

  12. I just ate half a litre of ice cream. I don't regret it one bit.

  13. Tim Minchin for Rockness! Excellent booking.

  14. So it's Foo Fighter, Kasabian and The Cure for Leeds this year. Can't say I'm too bothered I'm giving it a miss. The Cure would be decent though.

  15. Blur rumoured for Leeds this year? I will be gutted if this turns out to be true.

  16. Blur, the only reason to watch this monstrosity of a show.

  17. f**k me the Bestival line up is looking good. Adam Ant! Chas and Dave!

  18. The Human Centipede 2.

  19. Is Dumfries stuck in the 80s? There's a Queen Of The South dan in the pub with a denim jacket, denim jeans and a perm. If looks like Sid The Sexist.

  20. Well GTA V looks pretty amazing!

  21. The Ultimate Warrior's real name is Jim. Fantastic.

  22. El Classico Grande for Halloween tonight. Cannot wait!

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