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ark loyal

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Posts posted by ark loyal

  1. I picked up a cracking deal on a ex-display Bianchi Oltre XR3 ultegra this week had it out for it's first spin tonight, definitely a big upgrade on the old Triban.  Also got myself up Bealach na Ba last week which was fun.


    Anybody got any experience with shimano quick links?  I've been using KMC chains and quick links on the old bike for a while without any bother but decided to stick with the shimano chain on the new bike.  Was a battle to try and get the quick link on, bent my pliers and eventually gave up and just shoved a 9 speed one on it so I could get the bike out the door.  Are other branded links ok to put on a shimano chain?  

  2. 11 hours ago, Reina said:

    I’m working in Glasgow for a couple of days. Arrived this evening and went for a run - I’m staying near Glasgow Green so thought I’d go there but that Bruno Mars twat is playing there tonight so had to change my route... anyone know if it’ll be open tomorrow?

    I've no idea to be honest, but you won't be far away from the great run local that i'm pretty sure takes place every Wednesday.  It goes along the Clyde walkway which would probably be the next best choice for a run if the Green is still closed.

  3. 1 hour ago, KezzaRover said:

    Looking to get into running for the benefit of my fitness and mental health, came across the NHS "couch to 5k" online and wondering if anyone started running in this way- is it effective? Thinking of starting tomorrow as I'm off work this week and may as well spend it productively rather than sit on my arse all day watching Bargain Hunt and Pointless.

    Feeling motivated after reading a few posts on here, is it true that running becomes addictive over time?  



    I used that podcast when I started.  Worked well for me.  

    Not sure I'd call it addictive, but you definitely do get a wee high after a run and you'll be surprised by how quickly you improve and that definitely motivates you to keep pushing yourself to see what you're capable of.

    Have a look at apps for your phone that your GPS.  They'll help you track you progress.  Strava is probably the most popular but there are others out there.

  4. I'm planning on doing Beinn Ghlas, Lawers, Meall Greigh, Garbh and An Stuc in one go once the days are a little longer and warmer.    I was planning starting from the forestry car park  as it's a higher point to start from and finishing at the Hotel but my old man reckons it would be better heading in the other direction so as to give an easier decent from An Stuc.  Anyone done either of those routes?

  5. It's been nice in the past few weeks to get the bike off the turbo and head out for a good few rides on real roads.  Was somewhat forced into it due to some motor problems and got the bike out for the commute a couple of times.  It was still a little cold for my liking to be out on the bike at that point.

    Then I had a week in Lanzarote and managed to get out a few times and got about 150 miles in and up most of the islands popular climbs.  Nice to ride on some roads that weren't littered with potholes.  As much as I wouldn't want to complain about the weather over there...  the wind certainly made some of the descents interesting.

    In the week since I've been back I've got out for a couple of wee group rides.  The winters training on the turbo seems to have paid off a bit, took 30 seconds off my previous best on my go to hill rep climb. 


  6. 5 hours ago, eddiemunster said:

    Speaking of which, just signed up for Glencoe Marathon in September. Looks hard as f**k but should be a good experience hopefully.

    I know a few folk who done that last year.  Looked absolutely brutal,  1000m+ elevation and shite weather.  A couple of them have only just got back into proper running training in the past couple of months after nearly breaking themselves.

    That said, I don't think they had really done the training required to be properly prepared for it.

  7. I use Zwift for training over the winter.  It's a total game changer for providing motivation to get on and stay on the turbo.  Workout mode is great for getting some structure planned and the group rides and races are ideal to add something to focus on other than just pedalling away.  If you don't normally train with a power meter then the fact that smart trainers add this element is really helpful too. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

    I don't. I want to leave it at home, it's too chunky for my arm holder.

    I was never keen running with my phone either.  It pretty much comes down to what feature you want these days.  If you're just looking for a running watch that will record your workout the forerunner 25 will probably do the job.  Worth checking out the polar m200 or m400 and I know a few folk with the tomtom watches that are happy with how they work for running, I had the old tomtom nike watch and didn't think much of it though.  You might be able to pick up a decent watch second hand too given how often folk upgrade.

    Check out DC Rainmakers blog for in depth reviews and comparisons.  


    ETA.  Black Friday just around the corner means potential for decent deals too.

  9. I've been listening to The Blether for the past few weeks.  It's a chatty/candid long form interview show in the mould of WTF, Joe Rogan, RHLSTP etc.  But interviewing lesser known people from the world of Scottish sport.  Worth a listen, and he had Alan Martin, QotS goalie on this weeks show which may be of interest to some.

  10. 24 minutes ago, Swello said:

    As he scored yesterday, it seems a good time to mention the fact that the "Whit does he dae??" branch of the Andy Rose supporters club seems a lot smaller these days.....

    I'll admit to being a bit sceptical about what Rose brought to the team in the first few games of the campaign.  I think the contrast in performance in the two Aberdeen games gives a better indication of what he does than his goal yesterday though.  

  11. I ran 1:37:10 today.  A PB by about 30 seconds.  I'm pretty happy with that, running hasn't been my main focus this year and I was thinking I'd do well to go under 1:40.  I was a little concerned about the conditions but thankfully the wind wasn't as much of a factor as the forecast lead to believe.  A bit of a head wind once we got on to the Broomielaw but adrenaline had took over by that stage.

  12. Cycling part of the WHW tomorrow and Sunday on mountain bike with a few mates
    Sunday could be I interesting by the looks of the weather forecast 

    The Glencoe marathons are on the Sunday. It follows the WHW from the devils staircase to just south of Fort William and the half goes from Kinlochleven.

    Might be quite busy in places.
  13. 30 minutes ago, ilostmyself said:

    Cycled from Glasgow to Balloch and back yesterday, no idea how long it took me but really enjoyable cycle and I'm well out of practise/shape so was happy with it.
    Anyone followed the no7 path past Balloch? Was thinking of getting the train to Balloch and starting from there next time.


    I've followed it as far as Aberfoyle (about 20 miles from Balloch).  It mostly follows back roads other than a couple of traffic free sections between Croftamie and Drymen and the last mile or so into Aberfoyle.  That said you don't see much in the way of traffic on those roads anyway and it allows you to put the foot down a bit more than you would on a cycle path.  Fairly undulating route with one long steady testing climb out of Drymen.

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