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Posts posted by TheDoctor

  1. Dunfermline & Livingston both made statements about us being a small club - when the only reason they were doing better than us was the fact that they were spending beyond their means.

    David Hay is a throwback to 91/92 when he managed us to relegation to Division 1.

    Attitudes ranging from "dance on their graves" to "it was bound to end in tears" are IMO understandable.

    I forgot he was a former Buddies manager. Came in after Tony Fitzpatrick I think. I remember now. Now I get you.

  2. I'm curious to know what Davie Hay makes of it all. After all, one of the Italian owners (can't remember which one) is his son-in-law. I'm sure Davie would have told him in no uncertain terms that you deal with the Inland Revenue. That isn't negotiable.

    You have to feel sorry for him in a way. He's been brought back as a consultant of some description for a club with whom he enjoyed great success, but can only watch his son-in-law and his pal make an arse of the whole thing. I can't imagine he would be too chuffed.

  3. I don't know where the sentiment comes from that the Inland Revenue have greater power with regards to debt owed by football clubs. Since 2002, they are no longer known as what was classed as a 'preferential creditor'. Instead, they have the same legal clout as an ordinary creditor, akin to those who are allegedly owed money as reported by the papers.

    If the story is true, then they would be subject to the same legal process as any other creditor. And if the club "went to the wall" as is said, they'd either get the grand sum of bugger all for their troubles, or x amount of pence in the pound from a CVA.

    Simply put, do your bloody homework, Gary Ralston.

    The bottom line is if you don't pay your taxes, you would go to jail, wouldn't you? Therefore, as a business, if you don't pay your taxes you get shut down and whatever assets are left are sold off

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