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Posts posted by SuperCaleyGoBallistic

  1. I'm profiteering from my cousin's girlfriend's generosity! Do you think they'll stick to older material or fire a lot of newbies out?

    Nice one!

    Think it'll be a mix. It's my first time seeing them so hopefully they play some of the classics, and with them not having toured in so long I'd imagine they will.

  2. Nigel Farage: Terrible. Forgot how odious he can be. Totally wrong on his immigration stance. The irony of a small government party like UKIP backing a big government policy like that one is too much to bear really.

    Simon Hughes: Was alright, a bit bland. Made some decent points but got flustered on the issue of re-housing.

    Chris Grayling: Irritating and slippier than an a fish out of water.

    Diane Abbott: Substance free nonsense. Enjoyed her comment about Jeremy Hunt's career 'hanging in the balance.' Like hers was a few months ago then?

    Polly Toynbee: Made some good points particularly on the contraception issue but also some poor ones as well.

  3. Thanking you very much

    If I have missed anyone, stick your twitter name down and I will edit you into the list 8)


    Well done on the list as well btw, must've been time consuming.

    Ahh so that's you! It's bizarre, in the last 2 days, I think 3 separate Frasers have followed me, alongside yourself.

    Name buddies!

  4. At least you have a proper union. Aberdeens shut down a year or two back, moved in with RGU and now use Hillheads Watering Hole as a Union base.

    Coupled with Flynns being closed for the foreseeable future, it's bloody sh*te!!!! :angry:

    Caley don't have a union, they use Campus instead. I feel sorry for them.

    No, it's sounds more like the sort of activity that people who compare "birds" and their unis would partake in. And using words like "vl", "talent" and "burds" pretty much confirms that you're the American "jock" type.

    Jock? :lol:

    Definite VL.

    Hey, I should give a wedgie for speaking to me like that, you friggin dweeb :angry:

    Anyway, I hope my colleague will help me get this back on conversation. SuperCaley, which of the young ladies at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, do you paricularly enjoy spending time with?

    I find the engineering ladies can be quite career focused and studious, but when you get to know them they're all complete sweethearts. The business girlies can be total FIERCE at times but it's done with a heart of gold. I didn't meet many of the females from other departments when I was there. I'm sure they were fabby as well Caley?

    Personally, no matter what course they do, I prefer to let them undress in front of me while they tell me about all the guys they fancy and all the girls on their course they don't like. I sometimes accompany them to the shops and help them pick outfits. There's this one girl I have a crush on though, but she keeps picking other guys. Why is this happening Sodje? :(

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