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Ned Nederlander

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Everything posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. I believe the done thing is to email Jackie Baillie so that she can ask the FM about it next Wednesday.
  2. I've no experience of vaccinating people but can I assume that some jags are sorer than others?
  3. And the Rockets are going well without him - they're much more direct and a bit more exciting IMO. Harden really took the pace out of the play, running the shot clock down with a slow walk up the floor before dribbling through his legs and then a step-back attempt - nothing more frustrating than watching him run the clock down, miss the three then get hit with a quick counter. Would obviously take him back in a heartbeat.
  4. So, aye, Rees-mogg casually credited the army for an upswing that began four days before they even arrived This along with the obvious bollocks regarding care home numbers down South - the Tories really are an odious bunch
  5. Did you just post the answer to my question while I was asking it lol
  6. Mrs Ned switched over before the questions - is that the best of them? Did any of the msm succeed in their daily pursuit of gotcha moments? Anyone care to guess what the Daily Express headline will be tomorrow?
  7. "Because the UK sent the British Army to Scotland - God Save the Queen, Captain Tom and Chas 'n Dave"
  8. Despite new hubs opening on Monday, the numbers this week being circa 40k and Scotland looking like it will meet the mid-Feb target for priority groups the Scottish Tories are clearly going to claim that (the not even introduced yet) 81 'British' troops will have been the reason for the upswing.
  9. I notice the tweet's been deleted ... and I see I've been blocked by Ben the grass Most people were just laughing at it when I last checked - hopefully it got deleted after some rightful criticism. Anyone else get blocked?
  10. There's a helpline for folk concerned that they might be getting missed.
  11. Ruth Davidson getting bitch slapped, yet again, at FMQs You can only imagine her disappointment at seeing the vaccination numbers yesterday and this morning.
  12. I can't get Twitter here at work, is the latest chat regarding 'Effie' anything to do with the twitter account that couldn't find Fort William?
  13. Interesting comments regarding it not being a race when it was fairly clear early on that that's precisely what the Scottish Tories were trying to turn it into. There's obviously lots of hard work going on out there, everyone I know above 70 will have had the jag by the end of the week, including my parents - so thank f'ck for that.
  14. All she has to do is offer everyone a jag apparently.
  15. So this holiday Boris wants me to book, as soon as I've booked it does that mean I've been?
  16. So Rees-mogg has now used Salmond to undermine the FM Surely nobody on the right side of Indy can get off on that? What will Eck himself think of that?
  17. Jesus suffering f'ck Twitter is an utter shitshow just now - if I were a Yoon I'd have the popcorn out Is anyone NOT going to vote SNP in May because of the Salmond or Trans issues? Thank f'ck most folk are totally oblivious to it all.
  18. I'm blocked by Effie, Covidiot as well as uber Yoon - I believe the screenshot above comes from the infamous 'Fort William' thread.
  19. Aye. I've remained unblocked despite mentioning her vileness many times. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-49433637
  20. Took me a minute to even get my head round it, I'd have put my mortgage on there not being stairs there. Thanks for the confirmations chaps
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