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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. On 12/07/2019 at 12:18, hearthammer said:

    Before all the gaudy-coloured Williams and Williaminhas head out today to celebrate their "victory" from some years ago, they might be interested in this account of what actually happened back then and how they are seen and perceived throughout the civilised Scottish world.  These words are taken from a contributor from a respectable site elsewhere :

    Which respected site ?

  2. 11 hours ago, jagfox99 said:



    That is fucking awesome.

    I'm almost tempted to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's simply adding a bit of humour ... but naw, everything about her outfit is pure dyed-in-the-wool staunchness.

    We should pity these poor fuckers instead of pointing-and-laughing at them.


    (It is a 'she' isnt it :unsure2:)

  3. 18 hours ago, Silverton End said:

    The guy playing the tunes in the car is as big a fud as the troglodytes that are marching tbh.


    A clip of backwards bellends proudly showing they're backwards bellends put online by a backwards bellend proudly showing he's a backwards bellend.

    And then Officer Bellend tries to intervene.

    Scotland is full of bellends.

  4. Aye, not clicking it either, but I'll add that Mrs Ned's auld Gran was almost a parody level Left Footer and she absolutely loved the tunes.

    Personally, despite being CoS and also ex-forces, I think each and every one of them is an absolute fucking simpleton, they stomp around the streets proudly letting the rest of us know that they're into something laughably backwards and utterly pointless whilst dressed in cheap looking comedy clothes - if they didn't do it voluntarily you'd say it was fucking cruel.

  5. 21 hours ago, Ned Nederlander said:

    Anyone use the Gigsinscotland presale ?

    We usually use the O2 one but I notice GiS are a day ahead of them with a forthcoming pre-sale, I've registered but haven't had to subscribe or pay anything!?

    Tickets purchased - Alter Bridge in December :thumsup2

  6. Anyone use the Gigsinscotland presale ?

    We usually use the O2 one but I notice GiS are a day ahead of them with a forthcoming pre-sale, I've registered but haven't had to subscribe or pay anything!?

  7. 33 minutes ago, JamieStevenson said:

    A lot of pressure on Steph to come up with the goods tonight as GSW without Klay & KD.

    12 Points & 5 Rebounds so far so he's doing his bit but it's not enough ...  as of yet.

    I nearly stuck a tenner on GS + over 211.5 , I'm glad I didn't now.

  8. 18 hours ago, GordonD said:

    As long as the buggers don't try to delete it from my Kindle. They did that a few years ago with copies of Orwell's 1984, due to some confusion over who owned the rights.  People who had purchased it perfectly legally found it had vanished off their devices, and that included any notes they had taken if they were reading it for school or university. Amazon later apologised but that didn't bring the notes back.

    Fuxake, it's like we're being fucking watched !!

  9. On 5/31/2019 at 14:30, Torpar said:

     I'm far from an expert on basketball so maybe someone on here can explain it to me but it seemed strange that the Raptors seem to insist on going for 3 pointer right from the start rather than easier 2 pointers? 

    I didn't watch the game so I might've missed something particular to that game but statistically (points/shot ratio) you're better off going for three pointers unless you're right under the rim.

  10. 1 hour ago, AL-FFC said:

    He's done it for a lot of things apparently someone had designed a chess set and he refused for the knights being kelpies as well as a few other ideas with kelpie in it, by all accounts he seems to be a bit of a bawbag about things, he's one of those that because he is alive and his work being famous he wants to make as much as he can of it without it or the merchandise as well being tacky and lowering the tone of the artistic side of things.  lets face it most famous artists were dead before their work got made famous.

    Did he no get the nearby burger bar moved (or refuse a new one) cause it would spoil the aesthetics of the place (or some-such) ?

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