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Everything posted by Widge

  1. I assume he has, cause I dont think you can breed Ditto with anything, just to get a completely random outcome, if you can then I am all for it, I am currently using Ditto to get teh first evolution forms of the one ones you cant get, i.e zubat, spearow, etc. Aye the forrest is annoying me, I had a look and it is meant to change, I think it only does when you show the guy teh pokemon he wants to see, casue I did it once an it hasn't changed since that first time. Oh and you cant get Gible in this series, so the best you can do is the 5, I aaume you are like me and have the 4 of, Dragonite, Metagross, Tyranitar and Hydriegon, since you are still looking for Bagon, little b*****d, cant finds him in the forest either.
  2. Yeah I got my tyranitar a while back, same with metagross, but I caught my metabg at lv. 66, took ages. Think I am running out of pokemon to catch and there are very few in my boxes left to fill, I am on my 6 th btw. Finally caught thundurus, used the mb cause I couldnt be arsed. Current dex count is at 203 caught. Still need to do lucario, if I leave 2 riolus in daycare for he's will I get and egg, cause levelling them up is a pain. Oh aye and does the guy in the cave give you different fossils, cause I have had anorith 3 bloody times. And another thing the White forest is meant to change daily, mine doesn't meaning I can't catch the different pokemon, really annoying.
  3. I can attest to this, however I wasn't pissed, I wad just a bit clumsy, right pain when you do it. I always wear glasses, apart from when I play sports, however my new glasses are takin a bit of gettig used to, bumped my prescription up to - 3.5 and - 4.25, hopefully I get used to them.
  4. Seriously pissed off at one o my lecturers, the man is an utter idiot and I have never liked him. However doing a series of 6 essays for him, haven't done great, but tries to follow his feedback. Now for my most recent one, i chose a question asking for your personal opinion on a building, by your chosen architect. Now I get feedback by email and he has given me a D because I wrote it with personal opinion. Now how the he'll was I meant to write it, no point in moaning, will just have to try more I guess. Just really annoyed.
  5. Cynthia isn't you bad apart from her garchomp, I an still working away on my dex, up to about 200 caught, finally found a laptas, only took an hour.
  6. Finally got round to finding Kyurem, first efort, I killed it wil 1 move, not even a critical hit, just as well I saved it.
  7. I used Patrat as a slave, it knew cut, strength and flash, then use a separate one for the water. Later on you can get Tropius and that can learnt cut, strength, fly and flash I think. Oh and Forehead, you have the same problem as me, 1 DS, probably not the other, cause I always used and emulator on my laptop, for the likes of Platinum, HG/SS, etc. I do have a friend though who has a DS, problem is he uses that little memory card for all his games, dont remember its name, will we still be able to trade if he does get Black, or is that only from the actual game??
  8. Nah i gave up after a while, instead took half an hour catching panpuor and pansear. Oh and yes I have a sharpedo sitting in my box. I assume everyone knows where to see the picture of zorua??
  9. Yeah its annoying, anywho, I have since added Seaking and Gliscor to my dex, currently looking for a Lapras, 5% chance in a dark spot whilst surfing, could be here a while. Oh aye and no spots seem to be appearing.
  10. Thundurus is really annoying me, just cant catch it, however I am up to 150 caught, adding Braviary and Seviper to my dex.
  11. Do you not need both Thundurus and Tordanus to catch Landerus at its little shrine, just past the White forest?? So you will need to trade with someone. EDIT - having just had a quick peek at Bulbapedia, as to the where abouts of certain pokemon, I have just realised it is possible to catch the other 2 elemental monkeys you dont have, guess it makes more sense that way.
  12. I dont do that at all, but having looked at it, I have seen 144/150 from the new set of pokemon, 1 of which is the third Dragon legendary, which I need to get, 2 are the roaming cloud thingies, which I will never see and the other 3 are the 3 last legendaries at teh end of the pokedex, that you can only get from events. I also know that there are a good 50 or so pokemon from the other games that I can defo catch and evolve without looking too hard, on top of that there are teh ones you can breed, i.e I have two fearows, so should be able to get Spearow.
  13. I made the silly mistake of catching a male Combee and wondered why it wouldn't evolve. Silly me. My pokedex is coming along nicely, up to seen 350+ and caught 115+, with about 20 or so I need to evolve, oh and even though I killed Thundurue, it has turned up again and this time I have only weakened it, just need to find it again.
  14. When you score a hattrick at 7's and the rest if your team let's you down. Also the rather large lump I seem to have developed on my left shin, as u actually put effort into the game, bloody agony it is too.
  15. Yeah, I will catch one as well, but I dont intent to use it, in fact I dont envisage any new pokemon getting into my party, considering that all 6 are at about lv. 75,, with Emboar at lv. 80.
  16. Right, shouldn't be too hard now, the problem is finding the Riolu and catching it, I haven't bothered looking, I am still steadily working my way through the pokedex, up to about 340 seen and 100 caught. Also for Riolu, I know happiness increases when levelled up, but they start at lv. 50, which makes levelling it up difficult, I suppose the easiest way to increase happiness is by catching it in a luxury ball, if I remeber correctly you get them at the pokemon league and they instantly make a newly caught happy.
  17. Ahh fair enough well atm I am just wandering about catching as I go, bought 200 ultra balls an I am basically working my way through the game again catching the ones I missed, up to 2 whole boxes full now, so about 85+ caught.
  18. cynthia is doing my nut in, her lv. 77 Garchmp is a bloody beast, plus I would have k.o'd all of her, if fucking Thunder hadn't missed her Braviary 3 whole times.
  19. I know I aint going to complete it, but I want to see and catch as many as I can, think I have seen 320+ and caught about 75+ so far, considring I caught about 20 yesterday and evolved them all the way I thought I did alright for a coulpe of hours work. Oh aye and I forgot about challenger cave, went in once, needed flash, came out, but if you can catch a riolu then I am heading there, problem is, does it not only evolve when its happiness is up, if so thats a fucking pain, cause I can never figure out how happy it is, or what to do to make it happy.
  20. I have spent the last hour filling a full box with newly caught pokemon and have levelled the majority of them up to their highest evolved for. The likes of Pigeot, Tangrowth and Shiftry.
  21. Having completed the main game, I am now trying to catch as many of the 600+ pokemon, I am on about 40, as I usually only catch pokemon I want to play the game with, once you do this, its rediculously easy to level them up, my lv. 5 Ghastly went up 16 levels at once through the lucky egg, should be a piece of cake really.
  22. I watched the Departed the other day. Thought it was really good if not a little long, didn't really see the ending coming and i thought it was maybe a but abrupt, but other than that a really good film, Nicholson, Damon, di caprio and to a lesser extent Mark wallberg, almost his accent was irritating, gave goo performances. 8/10
  23. Aye it's a rare thing, but it's all about timing, I always go at about 12.15, just as they are getting ready for the lunchtime rush if school kids, so that is when the fresh atuff comes out. Saying that I once had a stone cold mince pie, fucking bowfing.
  24. I know the feeling, my steak bake was fucking volcanic, had to spit the first mouthfull put, it was that hot.
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