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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. do these roller things just clip on and save you from moving?
  2. I love how she gives the fingers even in her photo wit big wally
  3. hahaha that is fuckin hilarious cos I know the guy on the left
  4. I red dotted that for fun Craig killie and spls stats are good cos they are the same person I think. If you are interested in nothing and just wanna follow me do it, I tweet nothing interesting and am a bit of a w****r
  5. I mind when at school ye could just leave whenever ye wanted to and no one would bother. Work is a pain in the c**t
  6. I don't care what the weather is like but a wee bit of wind and it is a pain in the c**t
  7. I wanna wind some one up. what fitba player/celeb bites?
  8. Someone suggest some tough tyres for my mountain bike as I keep getting punctures
  9. I have got dumped. Now packing all my shit and looking to rehome some pets and things
  10. I think I know folk who are doing the 47 mile thing
  11. was out today on the route 75 east bound, got in 50 miles then my tracker died (phone battery) I also got two fucking puntures, http://www.endomondo.com/workouts/k3l-t1Z8new
  12. There is one of them on the route I frequent and I was also laughing that It even clocked me. Motors all bursting passed it was dhowing "41" "39" and It suddenly popped up with "11" i near shat myself and fell of my bike laughing, I have never noticed those things picking me up before. Put in 32 miles today, It was pissing of rain and was out with mate. good times. My mate is fit as f**k though and I was blowing oot ma arse at the few wee hills at the end.
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