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Hank Scorpio

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Hank Scorpio last won the day on December 2 2023

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About Hank Scorpio

  • Birthday 22/11/1992

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    Raith Rovers

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  1. For the record, yer man Yengi looks like a competition winner. Not seen such a giant win so few headers since John Frederiksen.
  2. I swithered on putting it in but due to the angle we sit at in the south stand it was too difficult to tell. All of the players seemed adamant at the time.
  3. Hard to take that, really. Certainly didn’t deserve to lose and the game hinged on 4 vital moments/decisions. 1) The change of shape from 3-5-2 to 4-4-2 when we lost yet another centre half to injury totally threw the balance of the team. We were dominant in possession and never looked like conceding in that shape. Going to 4-4-2 turned up to shit. 2) Vaughan’s header off the bar. Bitterly unlucky and if that drops in we, in all likelihood, win the game. 3) Taking Easton off for Montagu. We’re at home, going for the win and we’re taking off our most creative player with 10 mins to go to bring on an untested 17 year old? Mental decision. We lost all impetus in the middle of the park at this moment. 4) Kev’s butter fingers at the goal. There is just no way a keeper of his quality should be getting beaten with that shot. He’s down, he’s got two hands to it and it’s gone right through him which has cost him the game. There’s some week where I watch Kev and I think, “there is no way we are going to keep him after this season”, and there’s some weeks where I think hes never going to make the step up to the Premiership because of his mistakes - and then there’s weeks like today where I think both of those things within the same 90 minutes. Colin Steven as ever the subject of much ire from both sets of fans. Just a fundamentally bad referee. Shit decision making, books players for innocuous things and doesn’t for legitimately bad challenges. Bad game management and no control over the game. When you’re booking members of both benches within seconds of one another it’s probably a good indication of you not having a very good afternoon. We’ve had 4 difficult games to start the season and I’m not particularly worried about the less than great points tally. A proper indication of where we are at will be after the first quarter. Lewis Jamieson looks very sharp. Keen to see more of him. We cannot sustain the level of injuries our squad gets. Has there been a single week we’ve been missing less than 5 starters? Where was Sam Stanton today? Didn’t see him in the main stand sitting with the other injured players. Needing the manager situation sorted, the injured players back (hahaha) and some reinforcements in the full back and striking department, and we need them right now to change our fortunes. Edit: seen folk saying Stanton was there. Fair enough if that’s the case, I must’ve missed him.
  4. Weird tho, eh? Usually you’d get opposition fans trying to wind folk up, but he goes to the majority of the games then comes online and then posts faux-negative stuff about everything the club does. A fundamentally strange way to interact with something he clearly cares a lot about.
  5. It was £120 a year. It was proposed by the club that it went to £450. It was then agreed that it went to £250. £550 is plain wrong.
  6. This thread jumped the shark a long f**king time ago but Jesus f**king Christ.
  7. What the f**k is the difference between being “favourites” for the job and “the favourites” job?
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