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Posts posted by jamamafegan

  1. 3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

    The issue is that we are generally competing for young players with clubs who are driving distance from their current homes.  This means additional costs/hassle for players and quite often players don't want to go away from where they are settled.

    This is an issue we've had forever though and we somehow managed to go through the leagues, win cups and promotion without doing this.

    Well exactly. It seems like a non-issue. Only now when things haven't gone the clubs way is it now an issue, funny coincidence that.

    Besides the point, who is truly settled when they are in their early to mid twenties? I jumped at the opportunity to move to Inverness when I got my job there. Yes its further away from the likes of Edinburgh and Glasgow but you get used to it. I honestly think Inverness isn't appreciated by people as much as it should be simply because of the distance. I think it's important for players playing for a club to live in or near the club they play for. It helps form a connection to the club and supporters, you become part of city and club. This shipping players up north every other weekend for games does nothing for that. 

  2. The statement just makes no sense to me. How do County manage to get by when it comes to players needing somewhere to live? How have they managed to compete by not operating in the central belt? As a previous resident of the city, Inverness is fucking class. Great place to live. I found places to live quite easily and don't earn a footballers wage.  If players don't want to move up there or to the general area because it's too far then f**k 'em. It's hardly the ends of the earth, if you want to go to the central belt for a visit you can get a bus, train - sleeper train even - and there's an airport with plenty of domestic options for those wanting to go further afield. The whole statement just reeks of shite, the Caley board have gone nuclear and it's going to hurt the club.

  3. 15 hours ago, PauloPerth said:

    Tell you what will be missed from this season…

    the strips.

    Have to say that’s amongst the best 3 strip seasons we’ve had in terms of all being fairly decent.  Back to traditional white shorts with the home top though please.  Sad to see that black third strip go, think it was fairly lucky for us, wins at Aberdeen, Hibs and Motherwell wearing it. 


    Yeah the home and 3rd strips were some of the best designs we’ve had in years. It’s just a shame the shirt quality was absolutely dreadful, it’s why I ended up not buying one. As you say, hoping for blue shirt / white shorts for next season and no v-necks. Anyone know how long our deal with Macron lasts?

  4. This is probably the most disillusioned with Scottish politics as I've ever been. I'm sick of the SNP - especially after covid. When it comes to supporting a party, as someone who deeply cares about environmental / climate change issues then naturally I'd want to vote Green. Sadly the Scottish Greens right now come across as a bunch of absolute cretins. Alba are oddballs. The rest are unionist gimps. At this stage I've completely lost interest.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Jimmy Shaker said:


    Staying where they are earns them next to no prize money. League Two is a land of riches compared to stopping in the SHFL, and the suits know it. 

    The Buckie fan I’ve conversed with refers to the SPFL as a “wasteland” and that Buckie would go bankrupt if they went up. 

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