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About Feckaye

  • Birthday 16/08/1982

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  1. Just spoke to my mate who works at stadium house and the power wasn't back on when he left this afternoon.
  2. Just watched The Wrestler which was pretty good. 8/10
  3. Iron Man! Robert Downey Jnr is brilliant as Tony Stark and the effects are first class. There is less of him being Iron Man than I thought there would be, but RDJ is great on screen out of the suit so they get away with it. If you like your blockbusters go see this! For people who like to see scenes at the end of the credits there is one on this film.
  4. I do, im not embarrassed by the fact i work in a cinema. I've worked in different cinemas for the past 6 and half years. It gives me a good living and I enjoy what I do.
  5. Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Its OK. Russell Brand is pretty good in it and I've always thought he was a twat. I get to watch films for a living . Will be watching Iron Man on Tuesday will let you know if its any good.
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