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Posts posted by pencils

  1. 7 hours ago, Magic Hat said:

    Not bad considering the ridiculous entry price and poor facilities. At least we have got new cool goals.

    Must agree. £20 quid to be stuck up one end of the ground unless you want to squeeze in under the stand at the railway end and see through the bodies/scaffold down there is getting ridiculous. Club really need to look into letting home fans into the railway end again and it least make it seem like we're getting something for the added money. 

  2. 1 hour ago, accies1874 said:

    We parked at Lidl for the play-off game which was fine other than a wee wait to get out. I think I heard about others who parked there that same night getting a ticket though, so not sure if I should go somewhere else. 

    I've never had a ticket parking there and do it most games. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Alloamad said:

    Great three points but why did we make it so difficult for ourselves? I get BR is under pressure but why go five at the back second half?
    Good first half with a back four, fb’s pushing on, midfield coping well and creating chances, scoring a goal.

    2nd half, too deep, midfield overrun with a man less and end up sitting deeper and deeper. That 2nd half was a terrible watch and BR should have gone back to the back 4 imo. 
    The formation change wasn’t working and we were lucky to ride the Cove pressure. 

    It was a back 5 in the first half I thought? Kev and Devaney wing backs with tags, neill and debayo centre backs.

  4. One thing I'm really shocked about is the number of fans that Edinburgh brought. There were more directors and staff than paying fans. Cracking day to watch football and only 22 in the away end. A shame because it's a tidy team on the park.
    It's madness the whole railway end is shut off to home fans, especially on a day like today, for the sake of 22 fans.
  5. Yeah a cavapoo and he's just turned 8 weeks old. Me and the bairn are allergic to most dogs so plumped for this breed as heard they are hypoallergenic. So far neither of us have had any allergic reactions. 
    Great wee dogs. He will fill your life's with happiness and love!
    This is the wee man at the top of dumyat this morning. 9b21e1f3c696496b23d899826f58fafe.jpg
  6. Our new addition to the family and my first experience of owning a dog. My family pet growing up was a cat so moving on to a dog has been a bit of a shock. My wife however is a dog lover and has had dogs when she was younger so was desperate to have one. Only had him since Friday evening and whilst he's incredibly playful and good fun it's been really had work thus far. My wife works in a school so is out all day whereas I'm still working from home. Trying to juggle work, playing with the dog, recognising when to take him outside to do his business has been tough. He's also been biting our son, playfully, but he won't seem to stop regardless of how much we try to distract him with a chew toy. Hopefully he'll calm down as time ticks on. Refuses to go in his crate during the day and just whines and whines. Sleeping overnight though which is a bonus.
    Is he a cavapoo? He's the absolute double of our wee man when we got him 2 years ago!
  7. What's the parking situation at Alloa nowadays?  Is there still a waste ground next to the KFC with the other option being the supermarket up the road?
    Expect the same line up as last week.  Although Duthie works hard and is very direct, he might be the player I'd change out.
    I've parked at the Lidls every game this season turning up 5/10 mins before kick off and never had any issues
  8. Not sure if anyone else read an interview last week from Btrian Rice,in which he said that Paddy had agreed to stay until the end of the season to help him.So is Paddy leaving us then?Not sure if it was just the way it was worded.I'd be very disappointed if Paddy were to leave,as i think he's been the anchor holding us steady over the years.
    Stood near the dugout yesterday and Paddy seemed a lot more involved and in dialogue with Brian than he ever was with BF
  9. Tickets sold out this morning after half an hour of the general sale. A big queue seemingly with folk wearing celtic tops getting home end tickets. Was always going the case I suppose but only letting season ticket holders get 1 extra ticket was a mistake. Genuine Alloa fans will have missed out this morning I imagine. Also could've had tickets on sale on Saturday at the match.

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