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clyde til we die

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Posts posted by clyde til we die

  1. Clyde Til We Die, parrot-keeper. A man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man. Clyde Til We Die will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

    Costs a bomb, though.

    If it means you're getting a bionic ankle, that'd be cool as f**k!

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: better than what the mrs said, she said i'm getting a caliper (sp) :lol::lol:

  2. After leaving several messages on her answerphone without getting any response, I called round to the ex's flat unannounced. I pressed the entryphone buzzer and my daughter answered it.

    'Hiya, it's Dad'

    'f**k off!' and she slammed the phone down! :o:(

    The ex let me in a minute latter but there was sign of the kids who had shut themselves in the lounge. I also got told that if I came round uninvited again, the ex would consult her solicitor about getting an injunction against me from contacting her and the kids. Christ knows what she's got planned for Christmas but I doubt I'll be part of it.... :(

    Kids eh ! Why do you let your kids speak to you like that ? slap her fucking arse.

  3. See yesterday? I went to the McDonalds in Stevenston and it was fairly busy, the queue was right to the door. Anyway, there was one big queue and when you got to the frint you branched off to one of the tills. However, some wee McDonalds guy came to us and directed us to individual till queues. Anyway, I got stuck behind 2 families who were ordering Happy Meals and as a result all the people who were behind me in the original queue would have been served well before me. I got annoyed when the person 2 behind me in the original queue got served and I was still behind the same 2 families who were taking an eternity.

    So I got fed up and walked away and went to the Subway at the Whittlets Roundabout instead.

    Do you understand?

    I was not amused.

    Yes, so why do they call it fast food ?

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