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Everything posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. It'll be a work I tell ye!!! Think about it. It's Kurts EX-wife. It's not as though Jeff just shagged his missus . It's harsh if it's true. It was only reported after a phone call to Bubba the love Sponge radio show. The call was made by "an anonymous TNA employee" who had their voice distortedto hide their identity . It will be to heat up the feud and build up to Bound for Glory.
  2. Was this the same night as Scott Steiners debut, with him yelling to someone at ringside "GIMMIE A FUCKIN MIC!"?
  3. It's getting more and more rediculous every week. Thye should just give the job to Million Dollar man permanently.
  4. Thye build the Miz up for nearly 2 months and in the space of 24 hours the f**k him up twice ........good going. Not too sure what tomake of the trades. Most of the guys I watched ECW to see have now been split between Smackdown and RAW. Hopefully with The Harts being moved they will now be able to feud with other tag teams and have a shot at the belts. And hopefully Regal gets a shot at the ECW title. Mark Henry on RAW was awesome . I can't wait for next weeks guest host.
  5. Couldn't agree more. I remember when he eventually turned face and it kinda sucked. Some guys have their niche and his is as an awesome heel. He reminds me of Randy Orton in that he can play a heel really well but sucks as a face. The only problem I had with him was his look. With the long hair and he would wreslte in orange tights etc. His current look fits much better with the short hair and dark colours, plus he has some pretty fucking sweet tattoos. He's by no means the best wrestler I've seen, in fact he's pretty ordinary. But he has the charisma to go further in the business.
  6. I hope not. I'd feel really, really sorry for him there were charges. It was more to do with 25 odd years of taking bumps and Misawas poor health than it was a mistake by Saito.
  7. You gotta feel sorry for Saito. By the sounds of things, some fans are complete morons. I've always felt that there is a percentage of wrestling fans that are dicks but there is no excuse for treating Saito this way after an unfortunate tradgic accident. Hope he gets over it eventually because by all accounts it really wasn't his fault and it's a shame that such a tradgedy has driven a man to the brink of suicide. I'm not sure how it works, but since Saito was the one to deliver the move which ultimately killed Misawa, does he face any charges over it? Also. Did anyone else notice the shockingly bad edit on Smackdown last night. Jericho was cutting a promo when the camera cut to the crowd and there was a piece of audio played of Jericho calling the fans paracites or something . It was clearly recorded afterward, y only guess is that Jericho forgot part of the promo or they just didnt think it wa sgod enough. By WWE production standards it was shocking .
  8. TNA.........otherwise known as retirement.
  9. It's something I really want to see. The best WWE DVD I've seen yet is their Ladder match DVD which is well worth a watch for anyone yet to see it. Anyone planning on getting the Randy Savage DVD? I'm definetly getting this as aparently it has loads of awesome matches on it.
  10. Decent RAW I thought. WWE Title was ok, not a fan of fatal 4 ways though but I was pleased with the outcome. Enjoyed the ECW title match and marked a little at the winner . Thought the WHC match was awesome and I definetly thought we were onto a Punk heel turn. Y2J/Rey wassolid again although not as good as the last two the had.
  11. At least he died doing what he loved. I'm sure he would have prefered it that way than in some run down hotel like so many others. Some nice words from guys who really appreciate his craft and genius.
  12. Chris Hero recounted the moments after Misawa collapsed following a back suplex: "The moments at ringside felt an eternity. Never, in my life, have I wanted the fighting spirit to jump into someone's being more than I wanted tonight. The fans chanted Misawa, Misawa, Misawa. They wanted their Hero to get up so fucking bad. Just get up. Come on! You're too tough for this. Too strong. I grabbed his boots and held onto them til they took him away." This almost made me cry. Damn, it's a sad day when a wrestler passes away and 47 seems like an old age.
  13. source: www.f4wonline.com This past weekend, some people within World Wrestling Entertainment leaked a story to PWInsider.com saying Batista had suffered a biceps tear. Their story was later changed to a torn tendon in his left biceps and that it was not a full fledged muscle tear. The webmaster of his official website, www.Demon-Wrestling.com, soon acknowledged his injury, confirming it as a torn tendon. The webmaster wrote: "We originally thought Dave had a torn muscle (he's been hurt for around 2-3 weeks), but this has now been confirmed as a torn tendon." However, the official WWE website would say differently. According to their report concerning Batista's injury, he suffered a completely torn left biceps requiring surgery that will keep him out of action for at least four months — not a torn tendon. A full fledged muscle tear is much more serious than a tendon tear, so something's clearly not adding up. If he did indeed suffer a torn tendon like his official website is saying, the amount of ring time he would miss would be considerably less. Among some of the wrestlers, there has been plenty of skepticism over the true severity of his injury. The injury supposedly occurred over three weeks ago, but he had been working television, pay-per-views, and live events without any sort of tape on his arm whatsoever, let alone showing any signs of an injury. If the biceps tear was serious, and people within WWE are claiming it was serious enough for him to get surgery two days after his championship victory, it would certainly have been taped up. If the injury was not serious enough to require tape, one would think there would be no need for surgery. Even partially torn biceps injuries are taped up, but considering WWE is saying he suffered a full fledged muscle tear, it makes the severity of his injury all the more suspicious. At Monday's Raw in Lafayette‎, the wrestlers were told his injury was legitimate and he was having surgery the next day. However, the talk among wrestlers in the locker room is that his injury angle on Raw was a cover-up to have him avoid being suspended due to a violation of the company's drug testing policy. For what it's worth, Monday's show was re-written several times during the day and the creative team was given a list of wrestlers not to use for the foreseeable future prior to show time as a result of drug testing held earlier in the day and at shows over the weekend. WWE covering up a drug test failure with an injury would certainly be a major change of philosophy on how they handle their drug testing policy, and while things appear fishy, right now there is no concrete evidence indicating that has happened. EDITED: On a sad note, Japanese wrestling legend Mitsuhau Misawa ,47, passed away at a ProWrestling NOAH show last night. He was working a tag match and received what has been described as a "routine" suplex and never got back up. He is believed to have suffereda heart attack. The roster crowded round the ring and the show was immediately halted whilst the crowd chanted Misawas name. Misawa was a pioneer along with Kobashi an Kawada in the popularised "strong style" phase of wrestling which is prominent in the US indy scene. RIP Misawa.
  14. But they are on ECW which has no tag division. Thye just wrestle random pairings of main eventers. I wish WWE would just put all of its tag teams on ECW have regular title matches and put the belts on the Harts. It would take ECW to a whole new level of awesomeness.
  15. TNA have plenty of excellenty talent and just aren't using them in the right way. They gave Samoa Joe the belt about a year too late. They should have pushed AJ as a main event player again. I didn't mind when the put the belt on Foley but it should have been used to get some new young talent over instead we get a Foley/Sting serie, something first done back in early 90's WCW. The saving grace of TNA for me is it's tag division........MCMG, Beer Money Inc.,3D, British Invasion and my personal favourite LAX. Compare this to WWE where they have the Colons, Legacy..............erm ................er and .......er....the Colons
  16. Get set for a whole bunch of suspensions aswell. WWE released a load of developmental talent a few weeks ago due to wellness policy violations and there are rumours there are more suspensions or releases coming in the next week or two. Lets not forget the three strike policy. These are the wrestlers who have previous: RAW Chavo Guerrero - 2 strikes Festus - 1 strike Randy Orton - 1 strike William Regal - 2 strikes Smackown! Charlie Haas - 1 strike Dolph Ziggler - 1 strike Edge - 1 strike Jeff Hardy - 2 strikes Jimmy Wang Yang - 1 strike John Morrison - 1 strike Kung Fu Naki - 1 strike ECW David Hart Smith - 1 strike Gregory Helms - 1 strike
  17. I'd imangine there are still seats for SummerSlam. Any idea?
  18. Thats the whole point. He is trying to better Flairs record. I'm sure I can remember watching something in which either Triple H or someone from in the locker room said he makes no secrets about the fact that he wants more than 16.
  19. The have indeed changed it to The Bash. I think it's part of trying to shake off the old traditional image of wrestling. Triple H will have the title within the month..........bank on it. When I was a wean I used to love him. I'm sure there are people who were happy when watching RAW, but for me it was like....."aw f**k him again." I'm honestly sick of the sight of the b*****d.......................just had to get that aff my chest .
  20. Your forgetting JAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN CENA and Lilians version of Ted Deeby.........Assy. I wonder what the story behind Umaga is........it must be a good one.
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