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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. I'm the hot chick I'm supposed to win etc etc. The seethe on this is wonderful to watch unfold. This was an ending crafted by a book reading nerd for fellow book reading nerds. The beautiful people are just going to have to deal with it, because this was the ultimate Revenge of the Nerds.
  2. Thought Deep Space Nine had its moments. Not often you see an American primetime show that attacks organized religion the way that series did and Quark and the Ferengi were always good for a laugh.
  3. The books are definitely heavy going in places, such as the Slavers' Bay, Iron Islands and Dorne content. I suspect a much tighter focus on only the King's Landing-Riverlands-Winterfell-Knight's Watch portions of the story would have been appreciated by most readers.
  4. The later series are not bad just nothing like as good as the earlier ones, which were often close to being masterpieces. If you found the 5th series boring because it was too slow paced, you might find the next few better again.
  5. That's up there with the Hearts fan with Romanov tattooed across this back. As somebody who sees the books as being the real story and the TV series as secondary to them I'm relieved they appear to not be going through a Holywood ending, but not surprised that is causing a lot of TV show only people to turn on D&D in a big way because they are going back to being like the books again after several seasons of moving further and further away from them. Think the problem lies with the decisions that led to that more than with the last couple of episodes.
  6. If the real Bo'ness United and Linlithgow Rose had went another season with no derby game this might have had some legs. With them both in a very strong looking EoS premier that looks like an East Superleague should it makes the ERSJFA look like a mickey mouse operation.
  7. With the real derby almost definitely reinstated on the fixture list again next season this goes from a clever looking ploy to a desperate looking one.
  8. Not necessarily given the money that gets pumped into clubs like Brora and Formartine.
  9. Maybe I'm too cynical, but i think a lot of people have simply been conditioned by America's entertainment industry into expecting the hottest looking chick to hook up with the hottest looking dude, beat the bad guys and emerge triumphant to live happily ever after. We are watching the magnum opus of a disaffected former Hollywood script writer who wrote ASOIAF as a colossal phuck ewe to Hollywood and its conventions . Did you really think a guy who looks like this: and is often stated to have had that overall goal in mind with his book series was going to be on the side of a hot looking universal wid or was going to back the "cripples, b*****ds and broken things" when writing his ending?
  10. A few committee members shouldn't be all powerful on this, if there's a wider club membership and well attended AGMs where issues like this can get properly discussed and voted on.
  11. If they can get floodlights installed ASAP hopefully there's still a solution given the letter potentially provides something that can be appealed against. Don't hold your breath though.
  12. There was really nothing that happened during Seasons 1-7 that looked like a warning sign that she might be a couple of cards short of a full deck?
  13. ...or Tyrion walks into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass and screen fades to black as he is about to deliver the punchline.
  14. We'll see what happens. My understanding is that the outcome of two big battles at Mereen and Winterfell were already written back in 2011 because they were originally going to be in the last novel but they were ultimately left out for reasons of excessive length. There have been plenty of sample chapters floating around for many years, so it's hard to believe he didn't have enough material to get something good out by now that would have pushed things further along.
  15. If they go with the split format next season and there were no further applications after it became clear that they needed a single 16 team superleague to be eligible for tier 6 in the SFA's eyes, it's a very strong statement that the remaining ERSJFA clubs don't care that much about pyramid entry in a similar manner to the north region. Think this is heading for a WoSFL being formed around January of next year.
  16. How the East Superleague should have been right from the outset. Tayside always should have been in with the North region and Whitburn didn't want in back then either.
  17. Supect GRRM got a bit jealous of the acclaim D&D were receiving and the liberties they were taking with his plot, and deliberately held back Winds of Winter, so they would have to prove they could convincingly fill in the gap between the end of his books and the ending he had told them. They clearly failed to keep the quality up. If the non-book-reading portion of the audience goes completely mental after the finale it will be interesting to see if Disney will still be so keen to have them doing the next Star Wars trilogy. If they were looking to ride their wave of adulation after GoT, they really haven't been paying attention.
  18. Is she not in the trailer for the next episode?
  19. So maybe they should have included Aegon/Young Griff and Jon Connington invading with the Golden Company and had them as the other contender in KL rather than Cersei, maybe they shouldn't have skipped over Quentyn Martell so the Dorne plot would have been stronger and maybe they shouldn't have merged Sansa's story with Jeyne Poole's so Littlefinger didn't inexplicably lose about 30 IQ points from one season to the next? Suspect if they had used more of GRRM's material the last two seasons could easily have been three or four and it all would have held up better.
  20. One of the downsides of the internet is it gives a platform to noisy minorities that know how to shout the loudest and once they start deciding something is bad and it becomes the trendy in thing to be complaining about, it all snowballs from there. The problem appears to be that a sizable chunk of the television audience simply can't cope with what appears to probably be GRRM's preferred bittersweet book ending because they have not been looking at the series any deeper than she's got a nice rack or that dragon's really cool and have completely missed that GRRM was aiming for an adult version of Tolkein with no clear-cut binary good vs evil thing going on. Jon killing Danerys is going to break the internet in proverbial terms if it happens. Fingers crossed it will, because the fallout should be absolutely hilarious.
  21. Did St Cuthberts Wanderers not delay their licensing application to avoid being promoted? Think you'll also find that Wigtown had a late season nosedive in form that was rumoured to be related to not wanting to be in the LL and went into abeyance a few months later. Prevented is maybe the wrong way to phrase it where they are concerned.
  22. Maybe Sauchie have a problem on meeting the dressing rooms and toilet block specs?
  23. The inability to accept that a favoured pet theory could simply be wrong gets like some of the over the top Star Wars stuff where irate fanboys still don't seem to be able grasp that it was Rey that initially said her parents were nobodies not Kylo.
  24. My money's on the horse being sent by Bran or related to Arya's own Nymeria related warging abilities, which is very much implied in the book was why the Faceless Men wanted to recruit her with her time spent blind being about awakening her skills. That's also why all the why didn't he pat Ghost on the head is spectacularly missing the point of the bond the Stark children had or have with their direwolves.
  25. Think the ending is actually probably very close to GRRM's (minus Bronn obviously and maybe with the Blackfyres rather than Euron allied with Cersei in King's Landing) and the problem has been how to bridge the gap between the books and the last two episodes.
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