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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. I have the fear that this was all planned out with Bullen to have been leading us into this new era
  2. Still doesn't justify 4 left wingers. I did also see someone saying we needed a 6th striker somewhere above. Lads have gone power mad.
  3. Nah the Dutch are 433 while Switzerland play the same shape as us.
  4. Rus, Murphy and (I know) McGeady all play on the left. It'll be a right winger we get.
  5. Guy that is miserable about winning on penalties because they should have won the match in 90 minutes.
  6. I like it, I think they would be less prepared for this situation occuring at 7pm on Wednesday though.
  7. Would the crowd just be made up of neck beards there to see Ryan Gauld and whatever flavour of the month regen playing for Lincoln City they have decided is the future?
  8. On looking at that on maps, good luck with that.
  9. Well everyone must be shitting it about Scotland then.
  10. Looking forward to Bellingham's red card in the second half, they've laid it on too much, it's inevitable.
  11. I don't see how we fit Oakley, Dowds and some of our 6 wingers into that team.
  12. Think Tomlinson moves like a quick centre back, not sure he'll be able to be a winger at this level unless he's able to loosen up a bit. Still very raw, I'd we could get him to a team not fighting relegation in League Two it would do him really well. Wouldn't trust McCall with him though.
  13. No buying us signing the best left back in last year's championship to play centre back without an injury situation.
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