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Everything posted by itzdrk

  1. i was pointed in the direction of an app for my phone re: the mutt its going fucking mental GIRUY for waking me up at 4am every day
  2. nope they are liable because they use the same share they cant do anything to them if they denied access to the SPL though
  3. between the burd upstairs & her mutt i dont know who is worse she's... well shes a screamer & the dug is constantly going does anyone know where you get those silent whistles that drive the dogs nuts?
  4. quite well known for turning out in numbers where trouble is involved though
  5. 1910 The year the club who could have (kinda) saved Rangers were created Mon the board of '88 ! "There’s a bitter irony in a club nicknamed the Honest Men rejecting Murray’s advances now that the full extent of Rangers’ alleged misdemeanours under the former chairman emerges."
  6. unsure about this portest march on saturday alot of rangers fans seem to know about it there may be trouble ahead....
  7. got a whole load of new followers this week after going on abit about rangers & getting a few RT's dont think ive had much celeb reaction
  8. Also ! this article http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/rangers/2012/06/15/rangers-in-crisis-how-other-spl-clubs-rely-on-ibrox-club-for-major-part-of-their-income-86908-23896069/
  9. surprised rangers media havent crawled all over this "article" http://www.dailyreco..._medium=twitter p.s my opinion on the TV deal is that rangers are the only potential SPL club who will rely on it
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