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Posts posted by Andy_K_97

  1. Managed to get tickets for me and my mate to go and see Jake Bugg at the Glasgow Academy in February next year. Was initially the ABC - which I was buzzing for as it's my joint favourite Glasgow venue along with the Barras - but due to the presale selling out quicker than anticipated it's been upgraded to the Academy (which I've only been to once for Reel Big Fish back in January 2010, was ok but not the best venue imo). Although it's ages away, I'm fairly excited for it since he still seems to be just at the point where he's not a big name yet but well-heard to have more than a cult following, if you get my drift. Whether or not he'll be any good live is a different matter, but since I haven't been at a decent-sized gig in Glasgow in ages then I'm fairly excited.

  2. I went to F&B's once 5 years ago in Preston - wasn't a fan at all. The lasagne I had was a bit too plasticky for what I paid and there was a kids' party not too far away that was a bit louder than your average birthday party. Now that there's a new one in Killie I'm tempted to give it a second chance, but only reluctantly so.

    I don't actually mind McDonalds or BK, maybe just because I've got friends who work in both chains and give me decent scran and service. Besides, nothing can beat a whopper when you're hungover as.

  3. 31st of January. Reel Big Fish at the Garage. I went to the one earlier this year on my own because no one I knows likes them but I've recently be asked for a recommendation on one of their albums by a mate so I'm hoping he'll be up for it.

    I really want to go to that too, been to see them twice now and been fantastic both thimes! First time was the Academy in Jan 10 and the second was back in February at the ABC, that one just shades the first in terms of enjoyment!

    Anyways, last night I went to see the Vaccines on a whim since I was coming back from Easter Road yesterday and met my pals in the Counting House who were going to the gig. However after half an hour of drinking and chatting I decided I'd go along to the Barrowlands with them and see if I could scadge a ticket - got one at face value and had a great night to top off a no-too-shabby day!

  4. I know a couple of people who start there tomorrow.

    Here's the fly through video.


    Cheers Tryfield, I was impressed with it generally! It's massive inside and the music bit's good, been looking forward to getting in to the new recording studios for a while now. Not happy with the size of the union though, I think it might actually be smaller than the old one and for the amount of people that'll use it, it'll get far too crowded. But it'll be nice to walk along the river after getting off the train on sunny days and not have to walk as far as I would've had to for the old one.

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