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Posts posted by WeAreElgin

  1. Noticed the messaging with the vaccines is all over the place, telling some people drop in if its 10 weeks, others 8 weeks, same health board yet different messages. Some folks replying to nhs ggc saying they turned up for their appointment but were turned away because the walk ins had used stocks up etc too? Why is it so hard for them to get coherent, simple and effective messaging out? 

    Absolutely full of the fear for this press conference. 
    I have been told to expect an appointment between 28 days and 8 weeks after my first dose on Monday there, and they asked if I could 'maybe' go to Inverness for it. Hard to have much confidence in NHS Highland with shite like that.
  2. Hearing of folk under 30 from all over the UK getting booked in for their vaccine is highly frustrating.  I was told last week Inverness are still doing the 40-50s.
    NHS Highland appear to be making a c**t of it. I've been referred to Raigmore for mine as I'm one of the young c***s and the GP can't or won't do the Astrazeneca vaccine.

    Called up yesterday as I've had the silent treatment for 6 weeks and they said they haven't been able to get to me yet as I live too far away. Clueless.
  3. A SNP MSP travelled after a positive test. I don't think it's out of the realms of possibility that some Indians testing positive on arrival here have basically done a Ferrier. 
    I don't think an "Indian with a bit of cash in the bank" would want to come anywhere near this shithole, so that's really a bit of a false equivalency. NHS land [emoji23]

  4. The Scottish Sun and The Times saying Pubs may be closed in the coming days in Scotland due to the Indian Variant. 
    Also East Renfrewshire and MIdlothian may be moved back a level due to spike in cases in both areas. 
    Why are Pubs being specifically targeted here? 
    The real issue here is taking the Scottish Sun as fact based on....what exactly
  5. So the Indian Variant is on the rise. Areas being kept in Level 4 and no sign of the FM doing a daily briefing.   She was on as often as she could prior to the election but hey it looks like job done, re-elected and get on with the day job prioritising indy.
    Time we were updated with what exactly is and is going to be happening.  She has already ruined the entertainment and travel industries in the country and is doing her best to finish football off. What next?
    Which areas are being kept in level 4? Please show your working
  6. Being woken up at this time by a neighbours lawnmower. 
    What time do the people of PnB find acceptable to start doing the garden at the weekend? I'd say after 10 at least. 
    My neighbour was out at 8 this morning with his extremely loud pressure washer and I considered petrol bombing his hoose. 10 is probably the acceptable cutoff
  7. I've recently switched teams in my role and my previous team leader was really relaxed and never around. It was bliss, we don't have a lot to do right now so he was pretty much happy as long as you logged in and out at the right times but this new one is clearly one of those that loves having everyone on zoom because they don't know how to amuse themselves, these people are thriving in the pandemic, they have a captive audience to have bland patter with. Just had to sit through 2 hours of icebreakers (been in the role for 8 months) and having to share "funny" stories from the past few months at work, there's only so many times you can fake laughter at someone left their mic on. Brutal. She's now saying we should do quizzes to pass the time, just let me go and play my PS5 f**k sake. 
    Do these folk not like, have a job to do?
  8. This will be my first and last viewing of this show. I know they aren't technically married but the experiment is to see how it works after meeting someone once. For Jess and Dan to be deceitful, clearly upset their partners and members of the group and be allowed to stay makes a complete mockery of the show for me.
    I can tell you're a first time viewer, in the first season that was on UK TV at the start of the pandemic one of the "brides" done a runner on the first day and the guy just dossed about for a few episodes before cracking on with someone else's wife.
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