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Posts posted by MarreZ

  1. The Game by Neil Strauss.

    Unbelievable. The story of a writer who takes up an assignment to investige the world of pick up artists, and two years later finds himself immersed in this most amazing subculture in Hollywood. All those spam emails and pop ups about how people can can turn you from shy geek into getting any girl you want - the people behind those are the people in this book.

    Was recommended to me by a friend, was laughed off as nonsense by me as assumed it would be a self help book with stupid chat up lines etc 'guaranteed' to get you the any girl you want. If thats what you're looking for, don't read this book. It's an amazing story, a study of human nature and social interaction, which is so ridiculous in points I am unsure as to whether it is a true story (it is sold as one) or not. If it is or it isn't it's still a great read - after reading the first 100 pages or so yesterday afternoon I picked it up to read a little more when I went to bed. 494 pages later its 8.30 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. I'm not even a particularly big reader, I've certainly never done that before with a book.


    Has anybody else read it? No. 1 bestseller apparently.

    Ive read it twice, its one of my favorite books. The fantastic thing is that it also does work, if you go on utube and type in mystery method you can see mystery doing some seminars.

  2. I was at David Gray at Paisley Town Hall last night for his accoustic tour, the sound was superb, even though it wasnt my cup of tea, it was still pretty good fair and well worth the £20 entry.

  3. I love Jodi Picoult, her books are wonderful. I'm reaing Keeping Mum at the moment, I think it's the only one I haven't read.

    Im reading one about an Amish girl who has a baby, im only at about page 30 though, so no spoilers (i cant remember the name of it either).

  4. You don't have to take the clothing OFF.......


    PTTGOYN for me is currently my hunk of junk laptop.... no idea what the mobo is, and so no sound, and it doesn't recognise the gfx card....AND it is a picky bassa about starting up...

    Download the program at www.cpuid.com it will tell you what your mobo is, what the graphics is, what memory it takes etc.

  5. David Gray 1st March Paisley town hall, i cant wait :(

    Followed by Marlow the following night.

    I think after that its Justin Timberlake at the SECC, which im actually looking forward to, id go gay for him. :ph34r:

  6. I watched Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny - probably the greatest movie ever made last night, and a resounding 10/10.

    It had everything you would want in a film, Satan, magic mushrooms, Yeti's, Ben Stiller, great music, a terrific plot and the two greatest screen performances since Kramer vs Kramer.

    Im not sure anyone who is not a Tenacious D fan would like it right enough, but I loved every single minute, as did my two D loving daughters.

  7. Nadal was injured coming into the tournament, so his fitness might not be 100%.

    Murray still has to hope the Spaniard has an off day, mind, as only Federer is better than an on-form Nadal.

    I reckon it could be a close one. If it goes to five sets, it'll be interesting to see the effects of Murray's extra fitness training he's recently done.

    If it wa Nadal on clay, then he would lose easily, he has a decent chance.

  8. Its a draw. Rocky dies though.

    Rocky dosent die, and its not a draw either. His son jumps in the ring and stabs the other guy with a stanely knife, causing a no contest.

    I watched it last week, it was basically the same as all the other rockys, rocky imparts great wisdom to a few young kids, has a few obstacles to overcome and gets seven shades of shit knocked out of him in the ring.

    It was enjoyable right enough.

  9. Some of his excuses are belters though, he once txted to say he couldn't come out to celebrate my birthday because "I'm on call and there's been a serious car crash. I'm going to be up all night doing reconstructive dentistry". (He works as a dentist) Now I'm no expert, but I don't think ambulance crews pull people out of car crashes and think "Oh my god, look at his teeth, lets get him to the dentist" :rolleyes:

    That really made me lol. :D

  10. Got my tickets for Razorlight this morning. Not 100% sure why though, too loyal I think!

    2004 - £7.50

    2005 - £14.00

    2007 - £28.50


    My justin timberlake tickets cost £55 each, you can look forward to that next year.

  11. My mate flew up from London too see them and igt cost him £180 for the flights.

    He thought it was worth every penny.

    He said he was going to try e-bay for tickets for their London gig too.

    But Im not sure if he managed to get them or not.

    I just hope they tour up here again. :)

    Im hoping they bring that concert out on DVD, the second complete masterworks with the pick of destiny movie would be good :)

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