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Derek Patterson

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Posts posted by Derek Patterson

  1. Just rediscovered this thread and figured a "big cat" sighting from a few weeks back was appropriate. More a strange cryptid as opposed to something genuinely otherworldly but odd all the same.


    Date/time: 27/07/21 21:50


    Location: A928 road between Lumley Den and Glenogilvy.


    Details: I'd just passed the highest point on the road, just slightly northwest of Lumley Den and headed towards Glamis. Just as I was approaching the western end of Calfward Wood and the cottage on the opposite side of the road, I saw what appeared to be a long, dark cat run from right to left. Definitely feline by the shape and movement but even from distance, noticeably larger than a domestic cat. Looked like it went into a tree/bushes on the left. I managed to stop where I thought it went through but couldn't see anything given it was already getting darker and there was fog sat on the hills. I don't think it went right into the fields as it was lighter coloured crops and I didn't see any movement. Thinking it was maybe down by a ditch/burn or in the long grass.


    From what I've read, this does seem to be a history of big cat sightings in and around the northern Sidlaws. Wish I had a dash cam so I could have gotten a better look at it.



  2. The record was actually done during a break from touring in 2019 so I'd figure Bruce's voice would be in good shape for it.


    I'll go and pick up the cd the morn and blast it in the car. Bar the 2 songs they put out prior to the release, I've not listened to anything else. Never been arsed with streaming.

  3. On 30/07/2021 at 20:13, Tiger Driver said:

    Long time observer, first time poster here. 

    Can anyone recommend any wrestling podcasts that do listener phone ins (or even listener questions)? I guess I'm looking for a Sportsound equivalent for wrestling (lol) I used to love Post Wrestling's Cafe Hangout but I think that's now part of their Patreon as opposed to their main feed. Anything like that preferably.

    Picturing "Jim in Netherlee" moaning about Cesaro being underutilised.

  4. Do we reckon (assuming he's genuinely gonna be there) that we'll get some shithousery from Punk prior?


    Show is on the air and fans getting restless, he's tagging himself at Gregg's (or whatever the Chicago area equivalent is) to make out he's not anywhere near. Jericho had done that in the past for returns. Posting pictures of himself apparently on holiday somewhere and then appearing on RAW shortly after.

  5. 10 minutes ago, CountyFan said:

    I would be happy to support this appointment if the club explained the thought process and there was a serious show of public contrition from Mackay.

    I'm of a similar view.

    Whilst there's no defending the way he acted, the fact that he's never properly addressed it only enhances negative views of him. Him apparently going on a course or whatever is all well and good but it's still fairly meaningless, especially if you're wanting work in an industry that involves you being in the public eye.


    If he'd perhaps taken time to do a proper sit down interview and face it head on, admit that he'd been a dickhead and used some very outdated terminology (even disregarding the intent) then whilst not liking the guy, people may have been more receptive to giving him another chance.


    If folk saw that he was genuinely sorry (not just sorry he was caught) then there might not be the whole circus around him getting another gig in the game.




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