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Everything posted by broon-loon

  1. Again this is just a thought and an indication of how mean I have become, but if i'ts only the crank bearings that are worn you can often pick these up really cheap instead of purchasing the whole bracket kit...! The link below is just an example - These are the bearings for some of the hollowtech2 cranks. I took mine out last year just for a look and TBH it wasn't that difficult (although I did have to buy a tool in Halfords). If I was you I would do some homework ie trawl the net for info' and to see if its a possible DIY job...? http://www.ebay.co.u...=item439da17bc1 As regards the grease on brake pads, it's actually copper grease which is an anti sieze compound and not strictly a lubricant. it's std practice to apply to the back of pads in the Auto Industry. It has a high melting point and as long as you don't get any on the pad material or disc there shouldn't be any negative effects in terms of braking efficiency.
  2. Cheers for the warm welcome, especially given the drop in temperature ootside recently! I made a bracket clamp type thingy to hang the bike/s up to do some repairs and cleaning a year or so back and I highly commend something likewise for most repairs. Aldi or Lidl?? had a bike tool kit which I bought a while back and it's worth it even for the chain link thingy and round headed allen keys..... there's lots of tools that you might need if the bike is elderly and typically it's missing the crank tool for hollowtech which is now popular..! Remember now I'm new here, I did serve my time as a Vehicle Mechanic a long time ago, but 'pushbike' stuff is still a work in progress (a slow one at my age) so please don't take any of my rambles re repairs as gospel............... but hey, it might help......? As for the rear brake squeal - you mentioned new pads and I presume are disc brakes - did you put some kind of lubricant on the backs when you fitted them? If not try again, but put some copper grease on the back of the pad and retry..........nothing ventured and all that....! The earlier comment re click click click does sound like either the bearings in the crank or pedals are either dry or worn ..... eliminate the pedals first (it's easier) and if it is the crank seek help from someone in the know, or the LBS.... this is much more complicated and depends on the type of crank that's fitted. Enough ramblings from me for now.........
  3. Hi folks.......... My first post in this thread, hope I haven't broken any 'closed shop' rules....... I love to cycle when I can, but tend to do this in 'fits and starts' and no I won't even mention the weather !................ oops, sorry! the BSO comment and fully understand the other comment re riding a tractor (MTB) after enjoying lots of miles on a road bike. TBH, the rain disnae bother me so much, but the wind really yanks my chain (poor pun i know), why does it seem to change direction and be in yer face both ways......... Anyway, how typical for me to find inspiration to get oot on ma bike............. just as we approach November........! Happy peddaling......clipped in or otherwise...!
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