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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. Women's football or watching Morton? (Or Dundee or whoever your team is) Sent from my KIS using Pie & Bovril mobile app
  2. Tailgaiters - no need to explain!!! Sent from my KIS using Pie & Bovril mobile app
  3. Add Tom Duthie - Dundee Courier - one of the first journalists to say Sevco should only get entry through SFL3.
  4. Still trying to get my head around this. Can anyone explain why the asset sale to Green was allowed to go ahead? Shouldn't the liquidator have been selling off the assets to get as much as possible? Was the sale rushed through after the rejection to prevent the liquidator doing their job? Can the liquidator block the sale? What is there left to liquidate? If the sale is confirmed by BDO then will HMRC not get less from liquidation than from the CVA?
  5. According to what is being reported today the sale to Green et al is still going ahead before the liquidators come in. So what the hell is there going to be left to liquidate? Duff and Phelps should be sent packing by the end of tomorrow instead of being allowed to let this sordid little deal pass through. It stinks to the high heavens.
  6. The longer this goes on the more farcical it becomes - and where is FIFA? The SPL are a bunch of spineless tossers who won't do the right thing.
  7. I don't remember the Daily Ranger and Traynor being that supportive of Dundee when we had the 25 points penalty. I have always said that I symapthised with fans of clubs who went into Admin - but Rangers fans and the whole mess at Ibrox are making me have second thoughts.
  8. That's going a bit far - the drummer should have his drumstick ceremoniously shoved up his jaxy . .
  9. You clearly have not read most of the mosts on this thread. Most fans here did not want to put the boot in but wanted some sort of justice. Most of us - if you read the posts - did not expect relegation but a points deduction - something some of your fans here thought would and should happen. But given the blackmail by your new owners is there any surprise that some turned round and said GIRFUY? Don't blame fans or other clubs - blame the morons who ran your club into the ground and the fly-by-nighters who tried to take over. I don't say that lightly - I know it's hard to do - my own club still has fans who think that the Marrs were not to blame!! I just hope now that the new investors don't walk away and leave you up s**t creek without a paddle.
  10. That causes problems for some clubs who have already taken/paid hard cash for hospitality etc.
  11. Clyde have cut their cloth but (so I have been told) may not last out next season. The SFL should be prepared to act far sooner than here if that is the case.
  12. My understanding is that if they do this they are breaching FIFA rules.
  13. Quote the rules Dundee have broken Mr Sanctimonous? I think you will find that there NONE regarding administration when Dundee went into administration - and you certainly cannot apply any retrospectively. But - hey - what's a few facts to get in the way of a Supermarket Saints argument . . .
  14. Agree 100% with everything you say. Relegation should have happened 6 weeks ago NOT 3 days before the season started. This close to the start a points penalty - 15 like Leeds got - would have been more appropriate. As you say though - Rankine and McDougall deserve contempt for their actions in the last 48 hours. Now will the SFL deal with Clyde to ensure they actually last the season . . .
  15. Because the rules have changed. It's like arguing that I didn't get a speeding ticket because that road used to be 40mph but is now 30mph. I could understand if rules were retrospective but thats not the case here. Where Livi do have a case is the complete lack of clarity over what penalty should be given.
  16. From what I've read that's a bit unfair. Yes Massone was a loony but Flynn (allegedly) hid the true nature of Livi's debts as well as their structural debt. To be honest none of your owners come out of this smelling of roses!!
  17. I actually don't believe that demotion should ever have been an option. The punishment should have been either expulsion because you could not fulfill your fixtures or a points deduction because you have gone into administration. Demotion for me should be because of illegal activities or non-compliance with league standards. There was more of case for demotion in the Kachloul case than here.
  18. There seems to be a number of threads to this whole debate: Who's to blame for the mess Livingston are in? Well it's easy to put all the burden on Massone and whilst I do believe he has some culpability for events dragging on as far as they have he is not the only one to blame. If we are honest much of Livi's problems stem from both the Keane and Flynn regimes. It seems to me that Livi, much like my own Dundee, have been cursed by owners who are nothing more than chancers. West Lothian Council is not blameless either - it really ought to have brought matters to a head far sooner than they did - but ultimately they are not a major reason for the plight Livi find themselves in. Should Livi be punished? The simple answer is "yes" - going into administration not once but twice without punishment would send out the wrong kind of message in my opinion. It would give a green light to other clubs in similar financial troubles to do exactly the same as Livi. What should the punishment be? Whilst there is an argument for demotion precedent elsewhere (especially in the English Leagues) is for a points deduction. A 15 point penalty (which is what Leeds, who were in a very similar position to Livi, were given) would be an appropriate sanction in my opinion. In any case what should happen is that the SFL must have far greater clarity in the sanction for clubs going into administration.
  19. Longmuir has already made the following two statements: By Longmuir's logic the fact that Dundee's long-term business plan involves us being in the SPL means we should automatically be there. Longmuir is truly an arse.
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