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Status Replies posted by young_bairn

  1. Stupid Facebook seems to keep repeating my statuses on this - unsynced it now so hopefully it won't do it anymore. Apologies to all.

  2. Saturdays normally my only day off.not working friday night shift ever again and not starting at midnight on saturday either. Cmon 07.00 hrs

    1. young_bairn


      Nightmare scenario m8!!!11

  3. Hour an half te go then bk at 10 and a cant see me catching up on sleep till sunday night

    1. young_bairn


      Try and get a power nap in between shifts mate!!!zzzzzzzzz

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. This is friday isnt it?cant believe am not gonna fit in a few drinks over the weekend

  5. £75m!!!

    1. young_bairn


      It's cool all the Ranjurs fans are donating there DSS for the next 20 years!

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